Aren’t omni-manipulation and totality manipulation the same thing, with a different power level?
312 Votes in Poll
312 Votes in Poll
Aren’t omni-manipulation and totality manipulation the same thing, with a different power level?
I hear that Totality Manipulation can manipulate anything and everything on an omnipotent level. Does that mean Totality Manipulation has Metapotence, since it can apparently manipulate logic, paradoxes, and so on, on an infinite scale?
I know that the totality encompasses everything and the user of totality manipulation can manipulate everything and anything, but isn't Complete Arsenal beyond just manipulation powers?
Does Complete Arsenal being a sub-power of Totality Manipulation just imply that a user of Totality Manipulation could achieve Complete Arsenal by manipulating a certain force within the totality that grants them every power in existence, or is Complete Arsenal a sub-power of Totality Manipulation because a user of Totality Manipulation will have Complete Arsenal by default? If it's the latter then I'm confused
Tetralogy feels way too powerful to be a sub-power of Totality Manipulation. Maybe I'm just underestimating Totality Manipulation I guess lol
Which power is bigger/which one is the absolute pinnacle of existence? And which one is stronger?
I'm confused on which one is stronger because in TM's capabilities, it describes TM with this sentence: "It absolutely encompasses anything and everything, making the user essentially omnipotent."
However, AR's capabilities also has this sentence: "By its pataphysical nature/concept as the most highest principle beyond totality"
And if there's a power that's beyond TM and AR, please let me know!
Totality Manipulation confuses me a bit. Does it operate on a level below reality or something? And if so, is there an ability that operates on an even lower level than Totality Manipulation?
244 Votes in Poll
Recently, I had an argumentative talk with user Yaworm (Zeno bless him and his family) about wheather Totality Manipulation can reach omnilocked beings. Basically, there two opinions that very depending on what we mean by "everything":
1) absolutely everything without any exceptions or
2) everything but excluding something (like Omnilock)
At this point, I realised both opinions are correct in this wiki, so we can use them however we would like. Maybe, that's why there's a "may" limitation for Omnilock.
Nonetheless, the next question is essential for Totality Manipulation. What can it specifically do? Clearly, such user can travel all over the Totality, summon and banish anything from it, shaping it's structure, manipulate Omniverse and probably posses some kind of lordship over it. How can user of Totality Manipulation use their power in a useful way?
It's also said Totality can be created and even destroyed. I misunderstand how anything less than Omnipotence can do such feat because very act of creation meant there is creator, which means Totality is already there. Even nothingness is part of it, so what would be if it's destroyed? There would be nothing, and even nothingness won't be there as it's destroyed as well. Simply how? It's clear Totality Destruction is the greatest cosmic apocalypse ever but how does it work? If Totality is going to be restored, does that mean there's something beyond or unaffected by it?
199 Votes in Poll
210 Votes in Poll
137 Votes in Poll
Hello guys. Today I would like to tell you some my recent thoughts about Omnipotence and why Omnivastance should be an official page.
So, today I was walking and don't worry, I didn't come close to anyone. There I came to a fountain in my town. It was pleasantly noisy and I sat over here. From time to time some water drops were falling on my face. I smelt the smell of sea. Wasn't it wonderful? I was sitting so for about 2 hours and afterwards, I got my ideas I'm delivering you at this moment.
If you are not awared, in userspace powers Omnivastance is the power “to be beyond any power system and Omnipotence as well.” It basically means that's the only power which cannot be classified and somehow it's even stronger than True Omnipotence itself. Firstly, I was confused how this could be possible but after reading alternative names and applications got it. Mostly, this is like omnifictional Omnipotence.
Like many people here, I am a creative fantasy writer and this wiki serves me greatly. Guys, I wouldn't even think about this verity that you offer. Nevertheless, in my franchise there will be an omnipotent God called Radiancy. Namely, their power would be do vast so I don't really think They will be just omnipotent, but absolutely omnipotent. Let me show you why:
We have Nigh Omnipotence, Above-Most, the almost supreme power;
We have True Omnipotence, Above-All, the power to be supremely almighty.
Meanwhile, there is an important thing with TO, which I use in order to prove my Omnivastance theory. In the trivia, it's said, “Omnipotence can only be applied in its respective verse.” It says Omnipotence works within one its franchise, and the monotheistic deity of DC verse cannot do anything in the Marvel verse despite the fact of being omnipotent.
This is the question of our understanding of Totality. In this wiki, the Totality is the largest structure ever, it's even bigger than the Omniverse. It includes everything said and not said, imaginable and unimaginable, possible and impossible, real and false, existent and nonexistent and so on. It's literally everything. Since we define Omnipotence as the supremest power over Totality, well, no Omnivastance can ever be. As well as within Powerlisting, people consider Totality to be the maximum size of a franchise. When an author composes their world, Totality is the largest size we define writer can ever design.
What I did is changed my perception of Totality, all thanks to Absolute Change. I imagined the Totality in wide sense like absolutely everything which is limited in no way. Nonetheless, people say it's wrong to say that my God of Omnivastance is the only true above all others and I can't include other franchises as lower parts of mine. You are right and I don't do that. What I did was I created my vast Totality and I said the Omniverse consists of unmeasureable amount of metaverses and one metaverse is the verse where True Omnipotence is set. The trivia says Omnipotence can only be applied in its verse and I called this verse as Metaverse. But I also expanded the Totality beyond Metaverse, saying there are other metaverses where there can exist other users of True Omnipotence. This way, we have multiple true omnipotents, which can use their power in their respective verse (metaverse) and we have one God above them, which holds Omnifictional Omnipotence, or Omnivastance.
You see, in order to make Omnivastance, you shouldn't say "all franchises belong to me." You can simply create omnifictional world with one your franchise and establish Omnivastance over there.