What would you do with Transcendence inducement
What would you do with Transcendence inducement
I made this post a few weeks ago, but I'm reposting it for more people to see and talk about, and with a few more questions.
I found out this week about Picomite and Femtomite Manipulation, it was after a conversation with a friend about a highly technological society, then I thought what would be composed of beings from such a society, nanotechnology? Then I went to visit the page about nanotechnology here in the fandom, and I saw that there was something else, and some doubts came to mind.
What differentiates them in potential? Like, what can femtotech do that picotech can't? And what can picotech do that nanotech can't?
Would a society that reached Scientiapotence be composed of beings with this technology, or beyond? Or would they be more like Dr Manhattan, composed of pure energy?
What would a technology that basically transcends everything in the universe look like? Everything existing and non-existent, time-space, concepts and beyond. Like, a technology that doesn't rely on atoms or particles or anything else, that exists by itself, as if technology itself were a transcendental entity.
Can a user of NANITE MANIPULATION reach the level of FEMTOMITE MANIPULATION with just their own skill? Like, they themselves ended up creating the evolution of their ability, without having to wait for the technology/science of their world to evolve to such a point before.
Can a user of FEMTOMITE MANIPULATION evolve and reach transcendence? Be it modifying your body to be something else, merging your body with the femtomite itself and/or even your soul, or creating a new body into which you transfer your mind, or even transforming your mind into a transcendent mind that no longer needs a body, or anything else.
Could you modify your body to the point of giving you other powers? Even psionic powers or magic. Or maybe the very functioning of such skills at the highest level is already considered magic and the like?
In the end, I want to know what you guys think about this:
These questions below, I don't have much priority in knowing the answer to them, it's just there for you to really think about, in case someone ends up finding it interesting too and is going to do some story in the future and wanted to use this, it serves as a way of thinking about how to use this idea.
I'm even more interested in the other 6 questions above, I want to know your views on them.
What do you think would be the best ways to apply this to fiction?
How far would it be possible in reality?
What would be more interesting to apply in fiction?
What would be the most plausible explanation to explain a civilization that was at our level, but that reached the level of the strongest existing entities in their verses?
What would be the most interesting way to show and use these powers? And if possible, make it clear that they are something other than standard knowledge, both for the characters and for the audience.