66 Votes in Poll
66 Votes in Poll
65 Votes in Poll
We're all familiar with the main 4 elements. Water, Earth, Fire, Air. These are the main four elements in most forms of media, whether comic books or anime, these elements always pop up. Though they are somethings changed from universe to universe, with some replacing Earth for Nature, which encompasses plant/floral based abilities.
Now I have a question, what would be the advanced forms of these elements and I think I came up with this:
Fire Manipulation - Plasma Manipulation
Water Manipulation - Water Form Manipulation
Earth Manipulation - Mineral Manipulation
Air Manipulation - Weather Manipulation
So do you think this is accurate?
91 Votes in Poll
I haven't posted anything in a while and felt like I should so I'm going to ask how you'd beat someone with water form manipulation, and as an option, you can explain how you'd actually counter their powers. Options for powers are going to be air manipulation, violence empowerment, and combustion inducement. try to be creative if you want.
Hello, I hope you all are well. I was curious what technological/cybernetic/bionic superpowers that would pair well against earth, water form, fire, and air manipulation?