Harry "Zhi" Wong- Dead Rising 3
Thomas Hewitt/Leatherface- Texas Chainsaw Massacre
19 Votes in Poll
19 Votes in Poll
Mine would be Weapon Manipulation and Body Manipulation. I could then beat every human on earth (excluding Batman cuz he's batman).
This ball will release a swarm of bats on impact, attacking it's targeted victims.
What do you think of this magical weapon I made up?
Since weapon manipulation has Weapon creation can the User create like Weapons of mass destruction out of thin air in a snap like Weapons like example neutronium bomb a world ending weapon(check the video on YouTube) or spawn as many nuclear weapons as they can or make a death star level weapon or reality altering weapon can they create this weapons what's more can they create magic weapons weapons that doesn't obey physics or divine weapons as the pleased
46 Votes in Poll
What are you in the world of Soul Eater ?
- Do you become a wielder of morphing weapons ?
If so, who do you wield and fight with ?
- Do you become a weapon capable of many shapes ?
If so, who wields you and fight with ?
- What is your iconic name ?
- What is the silhouette of your soul ?
Colour, patterns/shapes and size.
- Do you have a sub-ability you can use in your humanoid form that is a reflection of your main one ?
- Do you have a complementary skill besides proficiency in your partner's weapon shape ?
- What is your Special Attack/Skill through the Soul Resonance ?
Please choose answers consistent with the SE Universe.
The best level you can achieve is Supernatural, so no answers that have:
Absolute, Ascendant, Deitic, Impossible, Infinite, Meta, Omni, Transcendent, Unlimited and Near/Nigh of either category.
If you can provide referential pictures, help yourself.
Have fun.
203 Votes in Poll
128 Votes in Poll
69 Votes in Poll
74 Votes in Poll
48 Votes in Poll
165 Votes in Poll