66 Votes in Poll
66 Votes in Poll
We're all familiar with the main 4 elements. Water, Earth, Fire, Air. These are the main four elements in most forms of media, whether comic books or anime, these elements always pop up. Though they are somethings changed from universe to universe, with some replacing Earth for Nature, which encompasses plant/floral based abilities.
Now I have a question, what would be the advanced forms of these elements and I think I came up with this:
Fire Manipulation - Plasma Manipulation
Water Manipulation - Water Form Manipulation
Earth Manipulation - Mineral Manipulation
Air Manipulation - Weather Manipulation
So do you think this is accurate?
What are some non-elemental random powers that could compliment or look good with Weather Manipulation?
Animal transmutation
Curse inducement
Disease immunity
Enhanced body
Petrifaction immunity
Poison immunity
Absolute love inducement
Beauty aura
Beauty bestowal
Beauty embodiment
Beauty inducement
Beauty manipulation
Blessing inducement
Charisma manipulation
Curse inducement
Desire embodiment
Desire manipulation
Emotional arts
Fertility manipulation
Hypnotic voice
Illusion generation
Infertility inducement
Light arts
Light bomb generation
Light generation
Love detection
Love embodiment
Love manipulation
Mesmerizing presence
Object summoning
Seduction mastery
Ugliness inducement
Absolute accuracy
Biological manipulation
Cloud mimicry
Curse inducement
Disease generation
Disease ranged weaponry
Divine disease manipulation
Dream scrying
Epidemic creation
Fire generation
Fire immunity
Fire manipulation
Future sight bestowal
Harp mastery
Heat generation
Holy music manipulation
Lie detection
Light generation
Longevity bestowal
Medical mastery
Musical empathy
Plague manipulation
Remote teleportation
Sleep inducement
Solar ball projection
Solar blast
Solar generation
Solar manipulation
Solar presence
Sound manipulation
Supernatural archery
Supernatural vision
Truth detection
Anger inducement
Anger manipulation
Blessing inducement
Curse inducement
Emotional arts
Enhanced tracking
Enhanced violence
Fighting instinct
Fire wall generation
Hatred inducement
Hatred manipulation
Invulnerability bestowal
Snake transmutation
War manipulation
Weapon creation
Weapon manipulation
Weapon transmutation
Absolute accuracy
Air manipulation
Beast lordship
Blessing inducement
Chastity manipulation
Curse inducement
Forest lordship
Gender transformation
Hunting mastery
Light teleportation
Lunar beam emission
Lunar manipulation
Night vision
Personal lunar energy
Reproduction manipulation
Supernatural archery
Supernatural vision
Wilderness manipulation
Asexual reproduction
Curse inducement
Enhanced craftsmanship
Enhanced memory
Life creation
Magic infusion
Manipulation mastery
Object teleportation
Plant growth
Psychological mastery
Supernatural combat mastery
Supernatural intelligence
Supernatural wisdom
Tactical genius
Weapon creation
Weapon manipulation
Agriculture manipulation
Agriculture mastery
Ant manipulation
Body length manipulation
Botanical communication
Culinary mastery
Curse inducement
Earth manipulation
Famine inducement
Fertility manipulation
Flower manipulation
Fruit/vegetable generation
Fruit/vegetable manipulation
Gardening mastery
Geological phenomena manipulation
Gluttony inducement
Harvest manipulation
Hunger inducement
Natural phenomena manipulation
Phytochemistry manipulation
Plant enhancement
Plant generation
Plant growth
Plant magic
Plant teleportation
Seed magic
Teleportation arts
Thermal manipulation
Season manipulation
Weather manipulation
Alcohol generation
Alcohol immunity
Alcohol manipulation
Alcohol transmutation
Curse inducement
Insanity inducement
Madness manipulation
Natural phenomena manipulation
Power bestowal
Purple fire generation
Purple fire manipulation
Teleportation arts
Vine generation
Vine manipulation
Bone manipulation
Cold aura
Curse inducement
Dark bolt projection
Darkness manipulation
Dark shield construction
Death-force arts
Death element generation
Death element manipulation
Death sense
Earthquake generation
Fear inducement
Fear manipulation
Jewelry manipulation
Life perception
Menacing presence
Metal manipulation
Shadow generation
Shadow stealth
Shadow teleportation
Soul manipulation
Spiritual interaction
Teleportation arts
Undead summoning
Underground manipulation
Underworld beast manipulation
Underworld lordship
Automaton creation
Curse inducement
Divine technology manipulation
Fire blast
Fire detection
Fire generation
Fire immunity
Fire teleportation
Heat generation
Heat manipulation
Lava manipulation
Mechanical mastery
Supernatural craftsmanship
Supernatural inventing
Teleportation arts
Trap creation
Trapping mastery
Volcanic field manipulation
Asexual reproduction
Cleanliness inducement
Culinary mastery
Dream manipulation
Dream walking
Family manipulation
Food generation
Insanity inducement
Life creation
Memory manipulation
Memory restoration
Sacred wind manipulation
Teleportation arts
Absolute adroitness
Absolute athleticism
Absolute dexterity
Afterlife transport
Communication manipulation
Enhanced inventing
Enhanced thievery
Golden luck
Hyper acceleration
Magic scepter
Lock manipulation
Lock-picking mastery
Monetary manipulation
Sport manipulation
Teleportation arts
Aquatic adaptation
Aquatic life lordship
Drought creation
Earthquake generation
Equestrian empathy
Equid manipulation
Enhanced roar
Heat resistance
Hurricane creation
Ice manipulation
Ocean lordship
Power bestowal
Sea monster manipulation
Swimming mastery
Teleportation arts
Tidal wave generation
Water blast
Water body creation
Water constructs
Water generation
Water immunity
Water imprisonment
Water maneuverability
Water solidification
Water teleportation
Aerokinetic flight
Air arts
Air constructs
Air imprisonment
Air solidification
City destruction
Cloud creature creation
Cloud manipulation
Constellation creation
Constellation manipulation
Deity imprisonment
Deity lordship
Electrical Immunity
Electrical phenomena manipulation
Electrical transportation
Electric conductivity
Electricity detection
Electricity generation
Electricity projection
Flood creation
Flower generation
Height manipulation
Hurricane creation
Immortality bestowal
Immortality removal
Justice manipulation
Lie detection
Lightning manipulation
Lightning summoning
Rain generation
Rain manipulation
Sacred wind manipulation
Sky lordship
Static electricity manipulation
Supernatural lifting
Supernatural strength
Supernatural throwing
Supernatural vision
Teleportation arts
Telescopic vision
Thunder manipulation
Tornado creation
Vacuum breath
Weather generation
Weather manipulation
Wind generation
74 Votes in Poll
104 Votes in Poll
75 Votes in Poll
44 Votes in Poll
62 Votes in Poll
60 Votes in Poll
Welcome back members, we here to talk about our boss and our top members, but first we must talk about other stuff about our organization.
<the base>
This our base is located in New York city, its a tall building that is owned by our boss, the building have different rooms, some are bedrooms and some are gear or weapon room, we also a medic room,
<dress code>
The standard uniform of M.100 consists of a black suit and a black necktie. In addition to this, members of the group wear an emblem. The suits are bulletproof, stab-proof, and sturdy. The necktie, developed by yours truly, contains a language translator and grants access to any number of public services and organizations. It the emblem allows for wireless voice communication between other members
Ok now that all out of the way lets talk about our top members
Name: Do Mo-Tak
Code name: Mr. energy
Personality: Mo-Tak is notable for his gruff appearance but can be a joker occasionally.
Race/nationality: Korean
Gender: male
Pronoun: he/him
Sexuality: straight
manipulation powers:
Energy absorption
He used to be a police officer
He order then the other members
I he can create swords out of energy
He like to train
He love to cook
Name: Jamie Reeve
Code name: Mr. law
Personality: composed, nonchalant, and calm individual
Race/nationality: Japanese/Nigerian
Gender: male
Pronoun: he/him
Sexuality: straight
manipulation powers:
Powerful reality benders
Law immunity
It can backfire sometimes
He was bon in Japan but raised in America
He love manga
He very smart
Name: Momo Hiro
Code name: Mrs. fantasy
Age: 25
Personality: she has a standoffish personality and hates it when someone touches her
Race/nationality: Japanese
Gender: female
Pronoun: she/her
Sexuality: straight
manipulation powers:
May be limited to specific Fantasy worlds.
She may lose control sometimes
She is the best hand to hand combatant in the group
Her family was killed
She don't like when people read her mind
She may have a crush on Mr. law
Name: Amy lee
Code name: Mrs. gravity
Age: 17
Personality: happy, bubbly, free spirited and childish
Race/nationality: Kenya
Gender: female
Pronoun: she/her
Sexuality: straight
manipulation powers:
Gravity immunity
Gravity negation
She is the youngest of the group
She still go to school
She was a model
Mr. energy is like her father figure
Name: Helena Richard
Code name: Mrs. weather
Age: 21
Personality: devilish and cunning
Race/nationality: European
Gender: Female
Pronoun: she/her
Sexuality: straight
manipulation powers:
She can lose focus
She may lose controlled
She love to travel
Name: Nico Jameson
Code name: Mr. appearance
Age: 30
Personality: smug and seemingly narcissistic front
Race/nationality: Canadian
Pronoun: he/him
Sexuality: bisexual
manipulation powers:
Usually requires focus to use.
He need to see a person appearance to change into them
He need to see the location to teleport their
He used to be a actor
He friends with Mr. energy
His the group personal transporter
He is the second oldest
Name: Rictor Rayes
Code name: Mr. truth
Age: 18
Personality: strong sense of justice, responsibility and being protective of his friends.
Race/nationality: Hispanic
Gender: male
Pronoun: he/him
Sexuality: straight
manipulation powers:
He need to speak to use his ability
Truth being subjective and in accordance with his views
He don't like lying
He great artist and made a lot of comics
Name: Rica Stone
Code name: Mrs. existence
Age: 21
Personality: she can also be quite sadistic, often causing physical harm to others, usually Rictor, it whom she doesn't get along. However, she does show some protectiveness towards her friends
Race/nationality: Filipino
Gender: female
Pronoun: she/her
Sexuality: straight
manipulation powers:
She more better using her abilities on herself
She cant stay in her non-existence form for to long because she might get erase
She like going to bars
She a use for stealth's
Name: Klaus R. Stine
Code name: Mr. superpower
Age: 28
Personality: his gentlemanly composure, honest to a fault nature and unshakable will, he typically conducts himself in a calm, polite manner unless suitably angered, in which case he will lash out with a beast-like level of savagery
Race/nationality: French
Gender: male
Pronoun: he/him
Sexuality: straight
manipulation powers:
He can use a power one at a time
His powers got a range
He can get out smarted
He is the leader and our boss
Not much is know about him
He used to be a boxer
Name: sonny
Code name: Mr. ???
Age: 20
Personality: a little confused
Race/nationality: Korean
Gender: male
Pronoun: he/him
Sexuality: straight
manipulation powers:
Memory lost
Yeah he have zero memory about half his life for some reason, we don't know how or why but we will figure it out, we do know he is a manipulator but what he manipulate is unknown
86 Votes in Poll
109 Votes in Poll
For me
1. Magnetic manipulation :the amount of thighs you can do with it it's limitless and it's better than electricity manipulation in my opinion
2.Weather manipulation:it's both useful in 1v1 fights and 1vmany fights also it's useful in more ways other than fighting
3. Gravity manipulation:most people think gravity can only push or pull stuff I can't understand why alot of people look down on gravity manipulation and think it's useless power and favour powers like time manipulation and space manipulation while gravity can control both
I want to hear what do you think
68 Votes in Poll
92 Votes in Poll
83 Votes in Poll
It's always seen as just weather manipulation but to me it seems like an understatement.
122 Votes in Poll