Last Time on Pokémon Typers
Thanks to Cennet, I managed to find Lena and Akari at The White Forest. I sat on a nearby tree as they walked towards it.
Lena: "I can't believe we missed the incident by The Giant Chasm. That's probably where that Typer was hiding."
Akari: "Don't blame yourself, Mistress. I let that Sneasel get the drop on me with his infestation ability. My shame knows no bounds from that utter humiliation."
I activated my Status Mode with a Spider Web Variation to pin them to the ground.
Lena: "What the?"
Akari: "M-Mistress!"
Beckett: "Calm down. It will wear off eventually."
I jumped down from the tree and landed near them.
Akari: "It's you. You came to settle the score, I see."
Lena: "Thank goodness. I thought that you were captured or worse."
Beckett: "I am glad that one of you is concerned for my wellbeing, but I am not here for revenge just yet. I am here to say Goodbye."
Lena: "Goodbye? Are you going somewhere?"
Akari: "Are you going to hide underneath a rock like the insect you are?"
Beckett: "Ha. Ha. Good one. I am going to Kalos along with three other Typers."
Akari: "...!"
Lena: "You met three others, and all of you are going to Kalos. Why?"
Beckett: "You learn soon enough the World Champion makes her announcement for this year's Pokemon League. I am telling you this because we planned to invite all the Typers over there with the promise of protection if they participate."
Akari: "It's a trap."
Beckett (Tossing an invitation letter by their feet): "That might be true. I am unaware of my employer's real plans or her true intentions. But I am doing this for a friend I met. Follow me to Kalos if you dare!"
I activated my Attack Mode to use my wings to fly away. Back at Undella Town, Amirah was chatting with some people as part of her World Tour as Champion. I did not need to be there, so I went to the RV with the others until she finished.
Cennet: "So, did you deliver the message?"
Beckett: "Mhm. I am sure that The Normal Typer and their friend will come, knowing that all the other Typers will be there for the competition."
Ofek: "Haha! Sounds good. I can't wait to see this Akari chick. She sounds really strong."
Beckett: "How's Jara doing?"
Cennet: "She's mediating by the front of the RV. She is still upset."
Beckett: "I see."
Amirah entered the RV. I told her about inviting Akari and Lena to The Pokemon League.
Amirah: "Excellent. And I think that should be it for me touring around Unova. It is time to head back to Kalos."
We drove to Mistralton City to get on a private jet, heading for Kalos. On that flight, Amirah had something important to talk to me about.
Amirah: "Beckett, Jara told me in your conversations that you tried to become an actor at Pokéstar Studios. I was wondering if you can help me with something."
Beckett: "What is it?"
Amirah: "Champions are responsible for running the Pokémon League from rules and regulations to advertisements. Do you mind if you could be my League's Mascot?"
Beckett: "Mascot?"
Amirah: "Yes. In Galar, a long time ago, they had a mascot named Ball Guy. He was very popular there. I want one of my own for my League. You don't have to be one since you will already be a member of the Elite Fo..."
Beckett (Prostrating to Amirah): Thank you so much for the opportunity. I promise to fulfill this role of a lifetime."
Amirah (Sweated a bit): "No...problem."
Beckett (Standing back up): Sorry, I practiced that if I got a role in a movie. So, what is my character and costume?"
Amirah: "That is going to be up to your power."
Beckett: "Huh?"
Cennet: "She means it's time for one of my inventions in the field of Infinity Energy Technology."
Beckett: "Isn't that kind of tech illegal?"
Amirah: "Yes, but with my plans, we need it. And she is contractually obligated not to use or invent The Ultimate Weapon or anything similar."
Cennet (Bringing out a strange outfit): "Besides, this is very safe. I tested it myself. It is my Lovable Mascot Suit Held Item. Pokemon and, more importantly, Typers possess a unique life force that indicates their type. Infinite Energy Tech, or IET for short, taps into and incorporates it. Put the suit on, and you will see."
I wore the dull and plain full-body suit, and in a second, it glowed and changed into a completely different costume. I looked in the mirror. It was light green with a nifty little gray vest and gloves. My character's face were adorable with their bug eyes and "V" shaped smile. Even without eye holes or a visor, I can see perfectly.
Beckett: "This is...Amazing! I love it!"
Amirah: "Glad to hear it, Beckett."
Cennet: "I am happy someone was going to have this item. Frankly, I could never pull off cuteness."
Beckett: "You mentioned this is a Held Item, Cennet."
Cennet: "Yes, It is called the Lovable Moscot Suit. If it and, by extension, you take any significant damage from one move or hit by your weakness, the target will be Infactuated no matter what gender. Because what kind of monster would hurt something as cute as you?"
Amirah: "Now, the only thing left is thinking up a name for this character."
Beckett: "...Beck...Becka...Beckeeru? Gnaatk...Gnatdett? Yes, Gnatdett!"
Amirah: "Gnatdett it is. I will let the production crew know ahead. Let me take a photo of you."
Amirah snapped some photos with her phone to send to her people.
Cennet: "I heard that our phones were run on the power of Rotoms before most of them got wiped out. Such a downgrade."
Amirah: "That should be it. You can take off the suit."
Beckett: "No way. I need to immerse myself in this character. I must be Gnatdett."
Jara walked in after taking a nap.
Jara: "Yawn...What's going on, you guys? Oh. Oh my gosh. What a cute costume."
Ofek (Following behind Jara): "So, you finally found a sucker who wants to be the mascot. What do you call him?"
Beckett: "Gnatdett."
Qfek: "Gnatt and your name together, eh? Sure."
Jara: "Ooooh, I want to hug it so badly."
Cennet: "Go right ahead. I need to see if the costume could withstand the hugs of many kids. A hug from a 7.1 ft tall Dragon Typer might be the perfect test."
Jara grabbed and squeezed me.
Beckett: "Huuf!"
My whole body felt like a trash compactor was crushing me. Thank Arceus, I am stronger than an average human now, or she would snap my body in two. When Jara had her fill of cuddling, she let go, and I was very stiff.
Cennet: "I should add more fluff when we arrive."
Beckett: "Yep."
Jara: "Hehe."
Next Time on Pokémon Typers- Ep.6: One Month to Prepare.
Status Mode: Encasing Amber
Spider Web Variation: Prevents fleeing or switching.
Held Item: Lovable Moscot Suit- When the user takes over half of their HP in damage by one move, the foe will become infatuated, regardless of gender. (The outfit will take a form based on the user's typing.)
Bug: Increases User's Max HP by 30.