36 Votes in Poll
36 Votes in Poll
19 Votes in Poll
31 Votes in Poll
Identibloods: humans who have the ability to change that form into that of an anthro animal with hightened version of the abilities the animal there an anthro off when in anthro form indentibloods can differ in age gender body type and even personality some even develop a new mind entirely when they transform they can transform between human and anthro either at will or when the situation calls for it when they transform their clothes can transform too but will keep its overall theme just to match the new body and identity wearing it Human can born as or become indentibloods later in life through magic or technological way.
It is not quite known where the original identiblood gene came from only that is supernatural in nature. The ways humans can become one are vastly different.
one way was discovered an archeologist digging underneath the ground of one of the 1st few towns to start having identibloods and discovered strange animal shaped artifacts like medallions and staffs upon touching one she was turned into an identiblood Another way was invented by a now globally known genecist who a created a machine that could inject the gene into people and turn them into identibloods
Along side their empowered version of natural animal abilities identibloods also have one ability the animals is associated with having through myth, urban legend, or just irony sake but doesn’t not actually have
Some identibloods use their power in practical or entertainment based jobs. Though some use it to become vigilantes or supervillains some are hired as superhero government agents some seek cures and some seek to subjugate humanity under their will.
You are an identibloods
Reply to this post with start and I will give some randomized stats of your anthro form(age gender physique animal species stuff like that note: that I don’t mean anything by this the anthro forms can be completely different from the human forms) and then you tell what powers you have what is your personality(and your anthro form has mind of its own what is their name) in your anthro form what powers you have and how has it affected your life?
You live in a world where humans can be born with special genes that cause them to manifest the abilities and features of animals. These people are called shiftblood. A shiftblood can only manifest the abilities of one animal at a time and said animal will have a high chance of being connected with said shiftblood’s personality and skill. For example a runner could get the power of a cheetah or someone who is very playful could get a dolphin. When a shiftbloods power manifest they transform from a normal looking human to anthropomorphic version of the animal they got they can switch between human and animal at will. Along with physical and natural abilities of the animal they (sorta) become shiftbloods also gain access to a mystical ability themed around what animal they get for example a wolf shiftblood would something have something like being able to create a small pack of regular wolf made of shadow to aid them or a monkey shiftblood being manifest vines that grapple on to surfaces these mystical get stronger if there are multiple shiftbloods of same animal in a close proximity. Shiftbloods like the mutants from X-men are hated some groups who access to advanced technology however their also a school for shiftbloods run by one to help them trains their abilities for law enforcement rescue and the betterment of society called the council of tamers(basically the Charles Xavier school) along with an organization of immoral shiftbloods who wish to conquer humanity called the council of apex(basically the brotherhood) and a neutral company known as ascension inc. whom experiment on and with shiftbloods to (in their eyes) improve society invented a special serum that can turn humans into shiftbloods called the shifter serum and also a the shifter grenade which turns feral animals into shiftbloods
You have discovered your a shiftblood
Whats your animal what’s your mystical power who’s side are you one what do you do and how do you react when your powers manifest what doe you say