Imagine having the power to give yourself any superpowers you want, but there are the catch: 🔮
You can only give yourself superpowers based on your interests/favorite things.
The downside to this power that while you do give yourself superpowers based on your interests/favorite things, you will end up having weaknesses based on your dislikes and fears.
Questions: ⁉️
What do you think of my ideal description for this superpower's pros and cons?
Would you like to have this superpower despite its drawback?
Make a list of 5 examples that involved the movies/TV shows where the characters (mainly the villains) who believe that what they are doing were for the greater good but going about it the wrong way by committing mass atrocities.
126 Votes in Poll
And you watched it from neighbor rock.
If you been given the chance to make any wishes for yourself, would you take this opportunity even if it mean paying for the price?
Wwyd with supernatural luck?
@Abdalla1234 @BlackSupergenius @Necropolis00 @AzQth @Idolsama @SleepyTact @BasilLily @2964artworld @SSB64 @Neosaiyan7 @AshAndrewFlame @TheNerdEternal1 @MarcosV2019 @Alphawolf2020 @Fallen221 @Jack em all @Temporal (Zen-El) @Manuele9 @Cameron Washington @Brandon Daniels @RyanKraftBR @Richardbewild @SuperPimp80 @LightTheProtogen @Tennysonwilliam505 @Keefdreewill @Conquest 332 @Unlogic Lighting @Heartless Frost @Gamefame 2014 @Mortal Reminder616 @Atomicola48 @Unfortunatejoe2018 @Kyrios Neo @Alekseiii888 @Farquad118 @Duncril01 @Rulefiji @Godking25 @Owensan 013 @Rock2005 @Lelec6 @TerinTerin @AnimalKeeper21 @Sodium Nitrate Phosphorus @O Death King @Duncril01 @Un1v3 @The Edit Lord @Eye Lad @Reality destroyer @Kmwno 1 @Scarlet king999 @IamADoor @Marky Johnson @Eliakub19 @Heartz13 @AnimalKeeper21 @Titanuwu @TheDevil7777 @Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O @Rulefiji @Idolsama @EchoCozy @Sam Wickes @Bloody Villian @ShabriGZ23 @No.13Kid
You were walking out alone in a pretty lonely and empty part of town when you saw the device. It was sorta like an one of those animatronic fortune teller machines but this one had some sort of magician animatronic instead of a gipsy contained within behind glass. The device was was labeled The Monster Magician it's color scheme is purple with green lettering and stipes it has two socket one says "enter your wish and watch it be granted" the other says things you would like to keep" finally a slot at the bottom explained by a Manuel above to dispense a costume of a monster based on your wish. You are bored and thinking it be some kind of a harmless contraption for kids you take 2 notes and put them in the machine. you get a costume and put it on but you also become the monster in reality what it doesn't tell is that he will grant the wish by changing into custom monster species with powers and weaknesses themed around said wish once the transformation is done more of said monster species will be spawned into the world and you will also be given the ability to convert others into members of the species and be given a small pack or coven of that monster species which you have the responsibility of caring for also you fail to notice that above the the keep socket the instructions you saw were actually taped over the real instructions that says things about you that you could honestly do with changing.
So what is your wish what did you write down on the note your gender your age I will create an entire monster species from your wish and then you tell how you react and what you do
How can you use/What would you do with this power?
In honor of Christmas Day, I made this awesome Post for everyone to enjoys.
Imagine if Santa have the power to grant you 5 wishes for Christmas, which of the 5 unique wishes would you wish for?
(this is a parody of of many posts involving granting wishes through giving power with same gender change twist that superheroine interview had same rules apply don't take anything seriously this a parody of myself)
superheroine interview (joke not rp) 1 | Fandom(this a parody of the superhero interview series…POWERLISTING.FANDOM.COM
Forged by amazon sorceresses by the order of queen Hippolyta, The themycoin was given the power to ensure the world would have plenty of superheroines. You see this coin can grant wishes through giving powers related to the wish however along with getting powers the wishmaker is changed into different person physically the changes can varies in amount and how drastic but males will always be turned female. Whenever a wish is made the coin teleports away to near whoever desires the coin itself is invincible and will teleport out of any container made to stop it wishmakers also lose the ability to touch the coin and are unable to tell others except amazons about their previous self not only that but at some point this coin was found and cursed by the same god who made the wishing stone any wishes it grants from now on a monsterous twist. (this in the Dc universe) side note: the coin leaves text on the areas of the wish maker's skin it was touching at the time of the wish the Test in question is a superhero name based of the wishmaker's new form
You have obtained the themycoin and have heard that it can rant wishes but you do not know the rest of story tell me your wish and also tell me the gender name and current life of the character you acting as in this scenario and I will tell your power what changes are made your heroine name along with some other things and then you tell me how you character reacts what they say what they do with their new life and what their hero costume is oh and how much their life is Changed
(this is a parody of of many posts involving granting wishes through giving power with same gender change twist that superheroine interview had same rules apply don't take anything seriously this a parody of myself)
Forged by amazon sorceresses by the order of queen Hippolyta, The themycoin was given the power to ensure the world would have plenty of superheroines. You see this coin can grant wishes through giving powers related to the wish however along with getting powers the wishmaker is changed into different person physically the changes can varies in amount and how drastic but males will always be turned female. Whenever a wish is made the coin teleports away to near whoever desires the coin itself is invincible and will teleport out of any container made to stop it wishmakers also lose the ability to touch the coin and are unable to tell others except amazons about their previous self. (this in the Dc universe) side note: the coin leaves text on the areas of the wish maker's skin it was touching at the time of the wish the Test in question is a superhero name based of the wishmaker's new form
You have obtained the themycoin and have heard that it can rant wishes but you do not know the rest of story tell me your wish and also tell me the gender name and current life of the character you acting as in this scenario and I will tell your power what changes are made your heroine name and then you tell me how you character reacts what they say what they do with their new life and what their hero costume is
( if you haven’t seen the first one of these go here so I just released ai on character ai and I’ve decided to make a second one of these because why not)
Realm granter (not rp) | Fandom(This based of an ai I’m making on character ai…POWERLISTING.FANDOM.COM
you had heard the legends of it the realm jewel a gem that grants wishes of those who touch it a single wish in strange ways the people who granted wishes are said to disappear and somehow return from circle of glowing light that just form in thin air they come almost completely changed wearing strange clothes related to their wish and not fully human sometime they don’t even look human at all ( the jewel works by forming an entire realm based of the wish the wish maker is the ruler of not only that but the wish maker receiving a realm will gain powerful warriors or beings who serve their whims and a powerful new form anyone who enters the will be changed to suit it and the realm will have its own magic type of course your character in this scenario doesn’t know that) you weren’t expecting to find it right outside your home( the jewel teleports a short distance in a random direction with each wish) but here it is in front of you what's your wish (keep in mind you in this scenario does not know what the jewel does exactly and may not even think it works at all believing all the legends to be made up so keep the wish simpler a and a bit grounded)
Tell me your wish and I will create your realm your servants and your magic type how your form changes and then tell how you react what powers do you get and what you do also how others are changed by entering your realm
But this time I also have to come up with 3 label spawn for your realm who will serve you (unless defeated tamed by summoner then an exact copy of them will replace the original with a clean slate personality) and also you tell what you do with them
Imagine what would happen if the character(s) would be dumb enough to play god, only to end up paying an terrible price for it. Do you know any characters from any movies or series that done that?
Imagine an magical being say they will grant you 12 wishes, but you can only make 1 wish per day between 11am to 6pm, if you ever have this opportunity, what 12 wishes would you wish for?
Imagine what the world would really be like if someone made a wish to live in the world without sharing.
If anyone magical being offer to grant you three wishes using magic, what would you wish for?