Note:no more natural disasters no more climate change no more disasters no more dry season No more fire season no more diseases No more sick no more sickness no more dying earth no more post Apocalyptic no more zombie Apocalypse no more crisis no more infection and no more alien invasion
Alias:dragon ninja lord of the Dragon dragon lord darling (by females)
Honey (by females) ryuga-kun (by females) husband (by females)
Like:Female shinobi Taimanin females his girls dragons being love party
Killing a enemies & Fatman his mother autobots optimus prime good people
Dislike:pervert Edwin black monsters demons Fatman decepticons bad people
Megatron being alone seeing autobot getting killed or hurt yoma idiots ugly
Hobby:training party at warehouse playing video game eating junk food fast food & dessert drinking soda slushie and juice making a smoke bomb
Goal:to become a next lord of the Dragons
Allies:optimus prime autobots taimanins female shinobi dinobots
Enemies:Edwin black monsters demons Fatman decepticons Megatron
Whole female taimanins
Team hanzo
Team crimson squad
Team gessan
Team hebijo
New team hanzo
New team hebijo
Rin and Daidouji
Dancer's fans Academy
Municipal blossoming arts
Metropolitan light cherry blossom female university
Milky pop
ARC angel
Shinozuka industrial high
Tooya Tengu shinobi alliance
Zodiac guilding star association
Kagura and naraku
Overseers of the festival
Fubuki gekko and senko
Senki shu
Ninja magic
multiple forms
Chi manipulation
Chi magic
Power via gesture
Pure aura manipulation
gesture casting
Mystical martial arts
Artificial martial arts
Supernatural stealth
Stealth combat
Wall running
Cross-wall jumping
Water walking
transcendent dragon physiology
Dragon morphing
dragon combat
Dragon magic
Dragon mode
Weaponized body
Weaponized tail
Supernatural weaponry proficiency
Shuriken proficiency
Smoke bomb proficiency
Child prodigy
Super eating
meta combat
Meta luck
Party inducement
Party intuition
supernatural cooking
culinary intuition
Golden luck
Two planet:earth and cybertron