@Abdalla1234 my family and I lived in the Middle East for 15 years and travelled extensively while there so I know firsthand how beautiful a part of the world it is, how exceptional the people are, and that despite its history that there is still a great deal to discover there.
@Abdalla1234 I’m so incredibly sorry for everything your country has gone through and I hope that Syria can someday recover from the cataclysm that has happened and rebuild itself
My family and I are proudly Canadian although we’ve lived abroad for half my life
Well if i could be any pokemon type combo I'd be fire and fairy. I'm not sure if that type combo has been used but the upside there would be that the fairy type weakness to steel would covered by the fire type. I'd have an ability that would take advantage of anyone trying to take advantage of my type weaknesses. fairy is vulnerable to steel and poison while fire is vulnerable to rock, ground, and water. I'd take orthworms earth eater ability and tweak it so that it allowed one to regain HP if a ground or rock type move were used and it would also redirect these moves to me (like lightning rod and storm drain) and rename it molten stream or something like that. Most fairy types are not very fast while some fire types are so my speed would be at least 100 with attack and special attack being between 80 and 100 (without factoring IVs or EVs in) as well. Defense and special defense would be marginally lower with 80 max (without factoring IVs or EVs in). Hp would be the lowest at 60 or so to make up for my ability to heal from earth based attacks otherwise i'd be markedly overpowered. for my design i'd probably be akin to magcargo, houndoom, or camerupt with some fairy like characteristics but with the fire motif being predominant. Most of the time fairy pokemon evolve early and i'd keep that trend as it make me very useful in the early part of the game. Not to mention many gym leaders in the early to mid game use fighting types either as their type specialty or as part of their gym team and many regions have a rock specialist as their first gym leader. My movepool would very wide to allow for anyone capturing me to use any moveset they wanted but I wouldn't learn anything but physical and special moves (whether by leveling up, tm, tr, hm, move tutor, or breeding) as moves that set up terrain, induce a status condition, or that only affect the stats of the enemy without doing damage may flourish in competitive battles but those have little relation to in game play and thus have little actual utility
I'd built a house on a small portion of the land but the vast majority (80% to 90%) would be vast forest with various kinds of trees (cedar, oak, maple, poplar, cedar, evergreen, and so on) which I would plant and tend until they were tall enough to thrive on their own if the land had a river, lake, or other water feature I'd plant weeping willow along it on one side, as well as smaller plants and scrubs to help keep the soil fertile and healthy so the plants would thrive without my interference. The house itself would be a basement with a cathedral ceiling directly on the foundation. The basement would be 3 feet above ground level with the rest below ground level. This would have the benefits of natural temperature control and unassuming exterior. There would be whirling air circulators on the ends of the roof which would also have a large sky light window on one side to allow the most natural sunlight into the house possible and solar panels on the other side to provide the houses electrical energy requirements. The basement/foundation walls would not have rebar reinforcing rods in them unless that was a legal requirement. The interior of the house would be with interior walls save for those walling off a small bedroom. The rest of the house would be an actual open concept living room, dining room, kitchen space and every piece of furniture being secured to the floor with anchor bolts embedded in the poured cement floor would itself be polished as smooth as possible. This would mean that the furniture could not be moved. The kitchen would not have an island as while that would reduce storage space would also make moving about the kitchen far easier than would otherwise be possible. The kitchen table would be steel and granite (unadorned, unpainted, but the granite table top would be polished to a mirror like shine) and would not have a leaf with seating for 6 in the event I invite other people into my pocket dimension. The living room would be slightly sunk into the floor (two feet or so) and the furniture would be anchored to the floor just like all the rest of the furniture. The floor, walls, and ceiling would be unstained tongue and floor wood to lend a sense of naturalness and lightness to the interior and to offer a sense of continuity. The two ends of the house would be almost gable end windows (windows that follow the slope of the ceiling) with a 3 foot wide and 7 foot tall door at each end with a long and wide but gradually sloped staircase (with a ramp and handrail) leading directly into the remainder of the house. This would have the benefit of making the house accessible to those with accessibility limitations would keeping the overall sightlines as clear as possible and making it so that those in the house can see the outside from both ends and through the skylight, making keeping an eye on weather a simple matter. What little light is needed after sunset would be provided by led pot lights built into the cathedral ceiling. Electricity (as mentioned earlier) would be provided by solar panels on the roof with outlets spaced along the walls and spaced along the floor as well for convenience. HVAC would be virtually unnecessary since the whirling air vents mentioned earlier would help remove any overly stale air. On two sides of the house (those perpendicular to the gable ends) would be gardens with fruit trees, vegetables, herbs, spices, and other useful plants. These would be fueled by the rain water from the roof which would not have an eavestrough which would mean the rain could flow directly off it and onto the plants. The roof itself would be sheathed in corrugated steel thus meaning that anything that fell onto it would slide off. As mentioned earlier the foundation would extend 3 feet above. The roof would extend to 2 feet above ground level thus leaving that much room between it and the roof for the plants put nearest the foundation to grow directly from the rainwater sliding off the roof.
Name: I'd let the dragon chose its own name once it was old enough to understand the concept and necessity of doing so
Type: It'd be a eastern dragon (that is serpentine) with two sets of wings about one third and two thirds of the way along its length
Appearance: My dragon would be as blue as the sky over a calm lake with talons as white as fresh snow and eyes the color of freshly turned soil
Personality: Well dragons are normally protrayed as fierce and proud creatures and so my dragon would be that way too. It would also be capable of great kindness or calamitous rage when necessary or when it was offended.
The level of bond between the dragon and you: my dragon and I would be very close (closer than siblings) but we'd also be comfortable being apart from each other. I'd protect it with fierce devotion from any that would do it harm and it would cousel me and offer advice
Powers(It cannot be on a godly, transcendent, meta, absolute, almighty level): My dragons primary ability (besides flight obviously and breathing fire) would be telepathy (that is it and I would be able to hear each other's thoughts and it would be able to do the same with anyone it chose).
Weaknesses (you'll need at least two or three): Well most dragons are described as growing their entire life which would make moving around, finding sufficient food, and not causing unintentional harm problematic. This would not a problem for my dragon, at least not for the first 3 years or so, but after that its size would become more problematic for both it and me. Besides this most dragons pride and avarice are usually its greatest weaknesses. Avarice would not be a problem as I will teach my dragon to despise material possessions from its earliest youth. Its pride would be its greatest weakness but i'd assure it that it could talk to me about anything and ask for my help with anything and I would do so with it as well.
How did the dragon found you or How did you find the dragon: I'd want to have found the dragon while it was still in its egg. I'd take it a secluded area and hatch it there. I'd raise the dragon myself but let it find its own food and explore all it wanted. As the dragon grew and matured it and I would wonder the land helping anyone we could. For instance if a criminal were hiding among and extorting people we'd root them out and either hand them over to the proper authorities or my dragon might just eat them and solve the problem that way. the dragon and I would spar each morning and night to hone our respective combat skills as fighting would be almost unavoidable.
Well I’d choose to embody curiosity. The drive to learn, explore, question, investigate, discover, and refine knowledge has been and is still a defining aspect of humanity and hopefully will continue to be so. But if embodying a concept would make me immortal I’d probably choose not to be an embodiment as immortality sounds like a curse more than anything else
Well firstly given the hulks potentially limitless physical abilities I'm not sure any of these characters could truly match him. That includes the character my birth month (november) gives me: Kratos the godkiller. Yes killing gods is a very difficult process and one that video games make look far easier and less complicated than is actually the case but even so I have a hard time imagining the hulk struggling even against a god slayer. In fact the only beings I can imagine giving the hulk any trouble would be amortal beings or beings older than the current incarnation of the marvel universe. For example Galactus (or Galan to use his proper name) is from the previous universe and survived its demise so he could weather the hulk fairly easily. such a confrontation would be catastrophic at least since both have the power to destroy entire planets should they wish to do so.
My pocket dimension would be part laboratory, part library, part house but mostly just a vast forest with clearings and all the vegetation and wildlife the word forest suggests. Entry would be by my permission only but those within could exit whenever they wished. I'd be able to enter my pocket dimension from anywhere and exit anywhere I wished.
Well personally I’d go to the Pokémon universe but without any abilities except one perhaps. I’d give myself complete amnesia that way I wouldn’t remember by old life at all and therefore would have no desire to return to my native plane of existence. There are a few other universes I’d like to visit but Pokémon is the fictional franchise I’ve given the most involved thought to.
Honestly most of time I think of myself as one of Earths protectors. I have obviously not been very successful in that but still our planet is worth protecting and guarding.
Well my powers would be nothingness infusion and chaos infusion. In this context nothingness is the predecessor of chaos as well as whatever has yet to occur, has occurred, or may yet occur with no way of predicting all of this. Chaos is simply pure possibility unbounded by constraints. I would infuse each concept into a short staff (3 feet long at most, not including the two blades which would be 9 inches long and the blades would be made in the damascus style) with a double bladed retractable sword at each end. Each blade would have different affects depending on which struck my opponent, no matter how lightly. The nothingness blade would annihilate its victim utterly down to their clothing and the entirety of these physical bodies. The chaos blade would drive its victim completely, utterly, and irreversibly insane. When not in use I'd retract both blades and place it in a vault only I could open.
Well personally I’m uneasy about picking a weapon with a curse the nature of which I don’t know but I’d pick the sword just above the axe. Double bladed so there would no holding back with it.
I’ve got numerous decks each with a slightly different theme. For example I’ve got one deck each for the Egyptian gods, sacred beasts, and wicked gods as well as one with all nine of those dread beings. I’ve got a warrior deck, a spellcaster deck, a defensive deck, a dragon deck, and so on. But mostly my decks are designed to be as flexible as possible and also designed to turn my opponents strength against them. One thing my decks lack though is an extra deck cause I’m not a fan of how most duelists take forever with the various special summoning methods. I know I probably sound whiny but I’ve been a fan of yugioh since the original series so I remember when special summoning was no wear near as prevalent.
Honestly I had a hard time deciding between these two because frankly I'd probably want to be taught by both new and old gods to make a more informed decision. Plus to train with a being (even deities) they must give one instruction and make their presence known to you else you may as well be training yourself. This would be quite literally revelatory cause it would be definitive proof the existence in the world of mortals. Even if one cannot ask deities questions or ask for favours their instruction will almost unavoidably mean a fundamental shift in one's relation to the world around oneself. The profundity of this shift would be determined by the kind of a deity whose training you, the form this training takes, and how compatible you are with the training you are undergoing. More over if the ancients are to be trusted the motives of deities are often either selfish nigh-imcomprehensible to humans or both. My 2 cents.
Well honestly there are many pokemon whose abilities I'd like to have but the ones that would be the most useful would be Hoopa (teleportation of oneself and objects through those rings), Lucario (sensory abilities), and admittedly Malamar (hypnotism which I admit present some hilarious and intriguing possibilities)
@Nicholas8293 I can understand why you might think so but I ask you this. If you had knowledge that you could not share with others without unthinkable consequences and yet shared that knowledge anyway would you not be partly responsible for whatever might arise from so doing. To take a specific example Albert Einstein's theory of E=mc squared equation and the potential of nuclear weapons would not have been so sadly linked had he not made this connection explicit. I'm not saying that Professor einstein was responsible for the manhattan project nor its two atomic progeny but one can't help but wonder whether he held himself responsible for it. I would certainly wish to spare anyone I could from such self recrimination. Few things, if any, are more painful than placing blame (however rightly or wrongly) for something one thinks one is responsible for upon oneself.
Well i can easily see how such knowledge could be seen in either light but having considered this question at some length I would personally consider such knowledge a curse for a few reasons. Firstly because the knowledge is forbidden means that one would not be able to share it with ANYONE else for fear of consequences more terrible than they could imagine. Then there would be the stress of keeping such knowledge not only from being shared but the far greater challenge of being so carefully and completely circumspect that one's possession of such knowledge is not even suspected. Such a continual self censorship can easily lead not only to stress but also to depression and a sense of isolation from other people. So on the whole I'd say that if possible one should find a way to completely forget the knowledge one possesses so that one may not suffer unnecessarily from its presence.
Well firstly my personal paradise would not be just one world (which presumably means planet) but mine would be a compilation from many different shows. For example fairy tail, bleach, yugioh, pokemon, naruto, and so on would all exist simultaneously in my paradise universe. my personal paradise would be a world where practical learning would be encouraged from earliest childhood, where genuine charity and altruism would be not just noble ideals but everyday realities, where what little government existed would be unpaid, meritocratic, absolutely transparent and compulsively accountable in its dealings (ie where everything it did no matter how trivial would be a matter of public record and where that record could not be altered, edited, or redacted but only added to), where diversity in all things would be welcomed at all levels of society, where commerce would be conducted on the barter systems (exchanging goods and services for other goods and services in kind) which would lack a monetary system of any kind. medicine would be natural, holistic, and free but the recipient would be honour bound to provide goods in kind for their care. Education would be voluntary and would involve only useful subjects. Mathematics, the natural sciences, resource literacy, philosophy, and trade skills would be the main subjects with students being encouraged to pursue whatever areas they were most passionate about so long as they kept up with their general studies as well. Athleticism would also be part of the educational system. Sports would be encouraged but competitiveness would not be. Gymnastics, martial arts, aerobics, yoga, and so on would be offered to anyone interested. occupations would be in whatever areas the individual person was most interested in and could be held as long as its holder wished. Occupational excellence would be things like customer service satisfaction, engagement and passion of the workforce, and dynamism (ie adaptability to an ever changing marketplace as briefly mentioned above) of the entire operation. Substances such as alcohol, tobacco, psychedelics, and so on would be unknown to the populace. As for the legal system it would be simple, plainly stated, and fair as far as possible. The punishments would be strict, harsh, and not subject to appeals. For most crimes, infractions, and so on the punishment would be both compensatory (providing goods and services to compensate for any loss, damage, or harm caused whether intentionally or not) and rehabilitative. Only for very severe crimes (ie ones where compensation would not suffice, where rehabilitation could be shown to be either ineffectual or have no real effect, and where the criminal showed no sign or hint of contrition for their crime) would much more harsh punishment be meeted out. This punishment would be subject to one of two options. Either they would face death or they could have there memory removed in its entirety. Either way the criminal would no longer afflict the community at large and they act as the ultimate deterrent to anyone else with criminal leanings. If the criminal chose to die for their crimes they would face the quickest and most painless death possible which would be first being numbed agnaist pain with natural medicines and then having their head removed. this would be done in private so no unnecessary stigma would fall on the family or loved ones of the criminal. If the criminal instead chose complete memory removal then once the procedure was conducted no other punishment would be meted out to the former criminal unless their former memories so how resurfaced and led them back into criminal behavior. If that happened death would be the only punishment they could expect. Such is a brief outline of the my personal paradise world.
Well its seems likely that powers can be evolve as their user and/or weilder becomes more adept, experienced, and skillful with them but awakening to a different matter. Awakening could be the power taking a form so as to better communicate with its host or it might mean the individual becoming aware of the power dwelling within them. Either case can be dangerous as power is both greater when nebulous and harder to control when so. But if one can tame the power and make it truly their own than the results are usually symbiotic or even cooperative. Doing so is never easy though. However much power may have accrued cannot be known without exposing oneself to it. It is usually best to think of the power both seperate from and integral to you and it and you will become one and the same as time passes.