My only response to this thread is just No. We dont even understand omnipotence, we cant really compare it. Not to mention defination manipulation is just working on meta-power manipulation (its a sub, and a variation of linguistic.) Thus omnipotent > Def Manipulation for 3 simple reasons.
A. Omnipotent is above all other powers. More powerful then all other powers combined in all exsistence. Not to mention its so powerful even we dont fully understand how it works. It's just. Beyond our understanding :P It's all power.
B. Meta-Power is something within omnipotence. Not to mention if a omnipotent being really wanted to, he could erase defination manipulation out of exsistence.
C. Omnipotence is above paradox's, Reality, and logic. What ever logic defination manipulation has, it doesnt affect omnipotence. Even if it tried to. Thus, On the defination manipulation its only limitation should be put as: (this one is a maybe) "May not affect omni powers" and "Does not affect omnipotent beings" < And I pull that one out straight from meta-power manipulation. They are not immune to a power, which is above defination manipulation. aka Meta-Power Manipulation.
Nuff said. I await counter arguements :P If none, Then defination manipulation should be edited its new weakness~