With all due respect, encyclopedias/wikis are all not about what is needed or what shouldn't, we can document anything on them as we want, as long as they fit that domain is some cases depending on what the encyclopedias/wikis revolve around.
And BTW, I was talking about advocating for balancing both order and freedom in real life and on websites, not about as a power. There may be overly specific articles that are badly done, but that is more in line of not paying attention to the quality of how something is not bothered to look over.
What you said still doesn't change the fact that this is wrongful bias. Besides, some badly documented powers shouldn't be deleted, because some have good merit and it'll be such a waste to delete them, with all the work put into them flushed down the toilet. This is what I have zero respect for. At the end of the day, overly specific things, quality wise, should not dictate that they are needless, there is no evidence to prove otherwise that they are necessarily needless, or not needed. Its about our own will if we can personally add them, if we choose to or not. In that regard, its about choice, not about what is tabooed to be allowed. Something like that forbidden to go on just because of being overly specific, even though it can be well done, is just insanely absurd.
Its just wrongfully biased.