Welp, all 10 of them just earned themselves a surprise one-way trip to Gaia BH1. If that's too far, I can just send them to the center of the sun, or closer yet, the Earth's core, or even closer, the nearest volcanic chamber. Basically, anywhere where the heat and pressure is great and constant enough to keep them from regenerating.
Best animal, coolest element and an absolute fire color scheme: Instant favorite!
Never voted faster in my life.
I'm so incredibly confused...
I'm partial to one in the middle with the white hoodie... and the two to his left... and the purple dress and green sweater.
Also, is it me or is your art getting better and better with each drawing?
@Retrouge48 I felt that in my soul. I have accumulated a gazillion OCs in my head over the years but don't have the drawing skills to do them justice yet or the money to throw at commission artists.
I'm incredibly biased towards owls so I'll have to go with Lechuza, though Meeko is close second.
While the strong force would be the most effective in a fight as it lets you disintegrate objects and cause nuclear explosions at will, electromagnetism and gravity are definitely the most versatile:
The former encompasses electrical phenomena, magnetic force, all contact forces (normal force, impact force, friction, pressure, compression, tension, etc.), radiation (a.k.a. light) and, get this, chemistry (chemistry is just electromagnetic interactions at the atomic scale) as well,
while the latter pretty much just describes how the shape of space-time affects the movement of matter. In other words, there's no real difference between Gravity Manipulation and Space-Time Manipulation.
My personal pick is Gravity as it strikes the perfect balance between versatility, power and sheer scale.
Edit: Actually, scratch my initial statement. Gravity and Electromagnetism can be just as effective as the Strong Force in a fight. The gravity user could collapse the target's body into a gravitational singularity (a black hole) while the electromagnetism user could instantly shut down the target's brain by stopping all electrochemical activity within. The way I see it, the fight would end instantly with all four dying at the same time, none of them from the Weak Force, thus in a three-way tie between the Strong Force, Gravity and Electromagnetism.
Gaster wins hands down in a drip contest.
In high tech vehicles capable of swinging and jumping from buildings and rooftops. Or better yet, one that can fly while being small and manoeverable enough to be effective almost anywhere like a hoverboard.
@Nicholas8293 It's not paradoxical at all. Inducing life in something doesn't mean that said thing can't die afterward -- at least not without Immortality Bestowal -- and inversely, being able to kill absolutely anything doesn't mean that what you kill can't be revived.
@AzQth The Omnipotent existing "before" eternal things/beings isn't as strange as it seems at first glance since eternity is a concept bound to time while Omnipotence isn't.
Welp, I just broke the laws of physics, causing the universe to collapse on itself, thus ending the existence of everything within.
I... win???
What does "you are comes first" mean?
Nothing because power doesn't corrupt, it merely reveals one's true character. If you truly aren't a bad person at heart, you won't become so by gaining power.
It only looks like corruption because the bad people in fiction (and irl too) are good at pretending to be good -- or at least decent -- until they become powerful enough that they no longer need to hide it.
Most likely. My most powerful OC after the narrator themselves has Belief Dependent Capability that borders on Metapotence thanks to his god complex. Basically, he can beat you if he thinks he can beat you, and he thinks he can beat most anyone. He also breaks the fourth wall, which he uses in combat.
Finally took the first step! I downloaded Krita and ordered a drawing tablet (the cheaper, screenless kind to start with.)
I dunno man, solar blasts are hard to pass up.
Telepathy? Oh, it's fine, I guess...
That would be just electricity manipulation.
I can relate. I've been meaning to get into 3D modeling lately but literally all the software I find has a usage license fee that I can't afford at the moment.