1.The ِBeneficient/ All-Compassionate/ Most Gracious
2.The Most Merciful/ Ever-Merciful/ Merciful/ Most Clement
3.The King/ Lord/ Sovereign/ Dominion/ Master [also means "the God/ Lord, the One and Only", "Possessor of Supreme Power or Authority"]
4.The Holy/ All-Holy/ All-Pure/ Sacred/ All-Sacred
5.The Giver of Peace/ Peace/ All-Calm/ Ever-Tranquil
6.The Granter of Security/ the Giver/ Faith/ Supreme Believer (of Belief)/ Giver of Belief/ All-Assurer
7.The Controller/ Absolute Authority Over All/ Guardian Over All/ Absolute Master/ Eternal Dominating
8. The Exalted in Might and Power/ Exalted/ Powerful/ Almighty/ Mighty
9.The Omnipotent/ Supreme Power/ Possessor of Having All Power/ Strong
10.The Possessor of Greatness/ Supreme/ Justly Proud
11.The Creator/ Creator of the Universe/ Maker/ True Originator/ Absolute Author
12. The Initiator/ Evolver/ Eternal Spirit Worshipped By All, Have Absolute Power Over All Matters, Nature and Events
13.The Fashioner/ Shaper/ Designer/ Artist
14.The Repeatedly Forgiving/ Absolute Forgiver/ Pardoner/ Condoner
15. The Subduer/ Overcomer/ Conqueror/ Absolute Vanquisher [Possessor of Who Subdues Evil and Oppression]
16. The ِِAbsolute Bestower/ Giver/ Grantor/ Great Donor
16. The Last, The Endless
18.The Provider/ Sustainer/ Bestower of Sustenance/ All-Provider
19.The Opener/ Opener of the Gates of Profits/ Reliever/ The Victory Giver
20.The Knowing/ All-Knower/ Omniscient/ All-Knowledgeable/ Possessor of Knowing Much of Ever Thing/ All-Knowing
21.The Restrainer/ Withholder/ Straightener/ Absolute Seizer
22.The Extender / Expander/ Generous Provider
23.The Abaser/ Humiliator/ Downgrader [Possessor of Giving Comfort, Free from Pain Anxiety or Troubles]
24.The Exalter/ Upgrader [of Ranks]
25.The Giver of Honor/ Bestower of Honor/ Empowerer
26The Giver of Dishonor/ the Giver of Disgrace
27.The Hearing/ All-Hearing/ Hearer of Invocation
28.The All-Seeing/ All-Seer/ Ever-Clairvoyant/ Clear-Sighted/ Clear-Seeing
29.The Judge/ Arbitrator/ Arbiter/ All-Decree/ Possessor of Authority of Decisions and Judgment
30.The Just/ Authorized and Straightforward Judge of Dealing Justly
31.The Gentle/ Benignant/ Subtly Kind/ All-Subtle
32.The All-Aware/ Well-Acquainted/ Ever-Adept
33.The Forbearing/ Indulgent/ Oft Forbearing/ All-Enduring (of Suffering Pain with Patience)
34.The Most Great/ Ever-Magnificent/ Most Supreme/ Exalted/ Absolute Dignified
35.The Ever-Forgiving/ Oft-Forgiving
36.The Grateful/ Appreciative/ Multiplier of Rewards
37.The Sublime/ Ever-Exalted/ Supreme/ Most High/ Most Lofty
38.The Great/ Ever-Great/ Grand/ Most Great/ Greatly Abundant of Extent, Capacity and Importance
39.The Preserver/ Ever-Preserving/ All-Watching/ Protector/ Guardian/ Oft-Conservator
40.The Nourisher/ Feeder
41.The Bringer of Judgment/ Ever-Reckoner[the One Who Takes Account of All Matters]
42.The Majestic/ Exalted/ Oft-Important/ Splendid
43.The Noble/ Bountiful/ Generous/ Precious/ Honored/ Benefactor
44.The Watchful/ Observer/ Ever-Watchful/ Watcher
45.The Responsive/ Answerer/ Supreme Answerer/ Accepter of Invocation
46.The Vast/ All-Embracing/ Omnipresent/ Boundless/ All-Encompassing
47.The Wise/ Ever-Wise/ Endowed with Sound Judgment
48.The Affectionate/ Ever-Affectionate/ Loving One/ Loving/ the One Who Tenders and Warm Hearts 1
49.The All-Glorious/ Majestic/ Ever-Illustrious [Oft-Brilliant in Dignity, Achievements or Actions]
50.The Resurrector/ Awakener/ Arouser/ Dispatcher
51.The Witness/ Testifier/ Ever-Witnessing
52.The Truth/ Reality/ the Only One Certainly Sound and Genuine in Truth
53.The Trustee, The Dependable, The Advocate
54.The Strong
55.The Firm, The Steadfast
56.The Friend, Helper
57.The All Praiseworthy
58.The Accounter, The Numberer of All
59.The Originator, The Producer, The Initiator
60.The Restorer, The Reinstater Who Brings Back All
61.The Giver of Life
62.The Bringer of Death
63.The Living
64.The Subsisting, The Independent
65.The Perceiver, The Finder, The Unfailing
66.The Illustrious, The Magnificent
67.The Unique, The Single
68.The One, The Indivisible
69.The Eternal, The Absolute, The Self-Sufficient
70.The All-Powerful, He Who is able to do Everything
71.The Determiner, The Dominant
72.The Expediter, He Who Brings Forward
73.The Delayer, He Who Puts Far Away
74.The First, The Beginning-less
75.The Manifest, The Evident, The Outer
76.The Hidden, The Unmanifest, The Inner
77.The Patron, The Protecting Friend, The Friendly Lord
78.The Supremely Exalted, The Most High
79.The Good, The Beneficent
80.The Ever-Returning, Ever-Relenting
81.The Avenger
82.The Pardoner, The Effacer, The Forgiver
83.The Kind, The Pitying
84.The Owner of all Sovereignty
85.The Owner, Lord of Majesty and Honour
86.The Equitable, The Requiter
87.The Gatherer, The Unifier
88.The Rich, The Independent
89.The Enricher, The Emancipator
90.The Preventer, The Withholder, The Shielder, The Defender
91.The Distressor, The Harmer, The Afflictor
92.The Propitious, The Benefactor, The Source of Good
93.The Light
94.The Guide, The Way
95.The Originator, The Incomparable, The Unattainable, The Beautiful
96.The Immutable, The Infinite, The Everlasting
97.The Heir, The Inheritor of All
98.The Guide to the Right Path
99.The Timeless, The Patient