Why in "Incomprehension Manipulation" is it described this way: "Something that replaces motion altogether in another universe, or something that replaces matter and atoms in another universe". Why is this incomprehensible?
Why in "Incomprehension Manipulation" is it described this way: "Something that replaces motion altogether in another universe, or something that replaces matter and atoms in another universe". Why is this incomprehensible?
@LimittlesRealm I liked this exemple! Do you could, please, describle more possibilities or exemples of this power? And what would differentiate it from its base version
How do you imagine an "Meta/Absolute Paradox Manipulation"?
How would you describe your possibilities for what the user can do?
Why do you define it exactly as "Absolute Mid/Average"?
If you were to describe this as a superpower (attribute or quality) - how would you do it?
In a hypothetical scenario in which a being with absolute beauty and one with absolute ugliness came together and had a child. What would you imagine this entity to look like?
Let's use our imagination. Create and describe powers or capabilities that allow to do the absolutely impossible
@LimittlesRealm weird, but cool. @Richardbewild this is cool
Conditions: Must Be Based i.e. extensions or applications on "Defying Logic" and "Doing the Impossible"
Describe well
Here in this topic you will have the freedom to create powers you want. These powers can be speculative, hypothetical, theoretical or imaginative. They may or may not have users.
But they will have some "rules":
1. Describe the name, summary, and capabilities of power.
For example:
Stand Flag: Is a power to set a conceptual flag in one place and control the area on a physical and conceptual level.
Capacities: ...
2. Avoid joke powers, but can create absurd, illogical or bizarre powers
Vitorriq escreveu: Manipulação de Possibilidade de Meta - Não confundir com Manipulação de Probabilidade Meta. Este poder permite controlar as possibilidades em um nível absoluto . Capaz de até controlar possibilidades de coisas impossíveis, impossibilidades, coisas que tais conceitos não se aplicam e até realidades
Sub-Potência da Manipulação de Probabilidades Meta
No. Is out of concept probability because will beyond. Falling out the ground of absolute improbability and even beyond probability and improbability, and more
if the concept of body, soul and mind makes sense, because it transcends form and nonform?
Planting the Flag: One of the eyes would shine this mysterious symbol, allowing the activation of this powerful ability, which is the ability to induce an invisible and undetectable symbol to the normal senses, but to mystical eyes it appears to be a red symbol similar to an inverted trident on a solid and smooth surface.
This symbol is deposited in the very fabric of space-time creating a limited territory varying in length and time period of control.
Its influence is sufficient to control everything in that specific area, such as: time, space, laws of physics, laws of chemistry, atoms, particles, molecules, cells, individuals, thoughts, people and etc.
1. Dominated area can be restricted and partial, being unable to dominate a city, country, continent or universe, multiverse and omniverse
2. May be unable to control more than three areas simultaneously without causing adverse effects (migraine, pain, confusion)
3. Care should be taken in using this power
4. May be unable to control invisible, undetectable, and imperceptible entities, beings or objects. Being therefore restricted only to what you can hear and see
5. May be unable to control entities or beings with immense willpower
6. May be unable to control emotions and feelings of sentient and non-sentient beings
7. Must have a mental capacity, concentration and immense focus in order to activate and control this power.
8. CAN NOT dominate and control all things that are on a "superimposed reality level" to the area in which the user is present, such as: other dimensions, metaphysical concepts, spiritual concepts, subtle dimensions and etc.
9. May be unable to master himself
10. CAN NOT master and control very abstract and metaphysical laws, principles and concepts, such as: variables, possibilities, probabilities, limits, perspectives, logic and the like
Here on wikia I see many people saying "people, places, objects, beings .. concepts" as if concepts were an "thing", But....here in wikia, what is concept?
If it's an idea, then it's subjective. Does it mean that time, matter, anti matter, space is subjective?
Apparently TM (Totality Manipulation)
It is not obvious?
Definition Defiance - The ability to ignore and define as definitions or fundamental concepts of concepts, things and objects.
True Unlimited Nature - The ability to be truly, absolutely and truly unlimited and absolute
The power to be a transcendent demigod
The user, unlike most demigods, would be a demigod with a scale advanced enough to overcome the divine sphere itself, surpassing many, if not all of the gods.
From the applications, remove the "semi-omnipotence", the cited users are far from being half omnipotent
Limitations is right
Hello. I am one of the oldest users here in this wikia, I have been here since the time that omnipotence was called "ability to embrace all powers on a universal scale". And since my presence here I have had many "rages" by Kuo (without disrespect to him) but I think the presence of the possible future Transcendent Demigod is one of the few powers of all this wikia that users really combine with power. BUT, I suggest you rethink the power and develop better, simplifying, if you want help I'll be here...
Think about it, if a BM user is VERY powerful, otherwise have SPECIFIC UNLIMITED POWER to BM, then YES, can reach an Omnilock but if the Omnilock is unlimited and absolute, most probably not because the Omnilock will "transcend" things like everything else / within everything, out of everything / within everything, ALL / NOTHING, Limit / Unlimited and even the concept of Omnilock
So, the user is kind of a monistic entity, where EVERYTHING IS HE?
This assumption would include ALL THE TOTALITY, right?
Would this include Our Universe or just ALL FICTIONAL FACTS?