sorry my bad boundless inner world is the wish i choose
Shit breath the abillity to breath shit
plus after I "died" Id just go explore the multiverse
take over the multiverse and kill anyone who is a threat to my rule after the conquest
nah just greed at it's finest when even omnipotence isn't enough
Name Marius
I would kick the TwistingDeath's butt just because that's my purpose
My Species Is Mutated Human
My Powers would Boundless Inner World Omnifience Mentifery Meta Power Immunity Remote Mind Control Meta possession Absolute Combat Absolute Condition Soul Anchoring Omnilock Conceptual Wind Manipulation Conceptual Lightning Manipulation Conceptual Water Manipulation Conceptual Earth Manipulation Omnifabrication Meta Crafting Absolute Thievery Entertainment Empowement Nigh-Omniscience Rule Trascendence Real World Enforcement Fantasy World Enforcement and Axiom Manipulation
My skills would be master in all 7 lightsaber forms Absolute Swormanship Absolute Flailmanship Absolute Crossbowmanship Gun Kata Supernatural Whipmanship Absolute Bowmanship with Recurve Bow and Long Bows Supernatural Absolute Staff Proficiency Absolute Polearm Proficiency Paranormal Expertise Mystery Solving Spec Ops Mastery Medical Intuition
Abillity Mastering
Meta Power Immunity
Instant Learning
Boundless Inner World
Trascendent Demon Physiology
as America rises and defeats Russia China goes and annihilates all the Americans then Indians then British then all others till there is only one country standing left on earth
granted but everyone will die of extreme blood loss or stage 4 hypovolemic shock
Meta Immunity Bypassing = The Power to negate Meta Power Immunity