Congrats on your promotion Andy, mad props to you!
He's a remarkable OC, kudos!
You grasped the core principle of the power quite well. Potential is the origin of actuality just like a blank paper holds the capacity for anything to be written on it, however every page has its borders and OM is no exception but its limits aren't so bad either.
Origin Manipulation - like many Almighty Powers - stretches beyond its base concept. Altering something without affecting the past would normally appear impossible considering its focus (origin) but logic, possibility and impossibility are not self-existent. They have origins and as a result are susceptible to manipulation.
Another thing that's been established with powers in general is the greater the power, the simpler it is to use. In fiction, everything is possible for the progression of Plot, but it's very unlikely a user would retcon themselves without being aware of it, especially when they can just want a specific result and have it realized.
The goal in mind is all that matters, there's no rule stating that said change must echo throughout existence (even if there was it would be subject to manipulation) so it would naturally achieve ideal results, working within the scope you intended to alter Logic ideally.
I think the choice is entirely up to you, it's your power anyway. Due to the complexity and incomprehensibility of what concepts truly govern what occurs in reality (Quantum Foam or Probabilities for example), how OM practically achieves things - the forces and concepts it reworks and how it does so - is generally inexplicable, it is a sub-power of Omnipotence after all.
@Omni-Defiance which is why two opposing absolute powers cannot exist in the same verse.
There can't be a user of Omni-Manipulation in a world where there's an Omnipotent being; the stand-in Omnipotent would be a user of Omni-Manipulation.
Like I already said, I updated Selective Transcendence so it no longer has Autopotence because no power has Omnipotence as an Application.
@Omni-Defiance like all absolute/almighty powers, Omni-Manipulation is only true to its name in the hands of an Omnipotent being. Otherwise its limitless potential remains latent.
Plus, Personal Mastery doesn't have Selective Transcendence. I think you mean, Self Transcendence.
Thanks for letting me know, I fixed it.
If you think of existence as purely physical then no. But on a metaphysical level there are infinite possibilities stacked on each other infinitely, these are called 'unactualized realities'. It's everything that could have happened but didn't yet held and still holds the potential of happening. With the right means at one's disposal, one can selectively realize any of these possibilities, theoretically speaking.
No offence to your ego, but like I already said, it's not even about you. My answer is mainly directed at all those that thought Personal Mastery could ever be equal to Autopotence. "Your question" is just a means of sharing the obvious answer with a larger audience.
New users find the fandom every day and some revisit posts they've already crossed paths with, I answered the question so it won't need to be asked again. If you're familiar with how a fandom works you'll understand the value in answering a question, even if it's "2 months old".
It's not even about you, it's about replying to a question.
Autopotence is Omnipotence, nothing below it could ever equal it.
@Omni-Defiance in the simplest terms, but Autopotence is viewed less as a power and more as Omnipotence as a physiological trait, allowing the user to affect all of existence through their relation to it. Personal Mastery could only dream of doing so on a similar scale.
@CrawlingDarkness Autopotence is Omnipotence, Personal Mastery is extremely powerful.
@Manuele9 to answer your question simply, nothing other than Omnipotence is powerful enough to have Alpha Reality as an Application. Not even if there was Absolute Mentifery.
@Carcassfrozenyogurt precisely.
I'm understanding more and more why the Applications look so underwhelming, it's because almost every Nigh-Omnipotence power you look under has "All Almighty Powers" and "All Absolute Powers" or Alpha Reality as an Application but still goes on to be the weaker version of another power. That's the case with Omniverse Manipulation.
I think of the Alpha Reality as the physiology of the Omnipotent being. All universes and their events are just stories that originate from The Omnipotent being's countless thoughts and He holds them all together with His very being. His formless existence has the limitless capacity to shape any and all possibilities (both possible and impossible universes as there are no laws or conditions applied to Its infinitely vast existence), and them being within The Omnipotent enables effortless manipulation of the entirety of any reality with a simple thought.
Not sure why the part where it says "only the most powerful being can wield this power" was removed from the page but I stand by it. Its existence is absolute, making any such alterations to It by lesser beings impossible. No reality can be imposed upon It other than Itself.
Being the very foundation of all that exists and paradoxically existing as one with (Unity) and outside (Omnilock) all of Its creations, The Omnipotent is eternally the highest principle in the totality. If He says black is white then every universe would rewrite itself to conform to His word. Before there was any perceivable reality, logic, rules or limitations, He was and He will continue to exist unaffected when all universes come to an end.
Conclusion: Alpha Reality is limitless in scope and should be restricted to Omnipotence.
The current Applications are centered around a basic idea to avoid conflicting with the different interpretations of the power. Take Mentifery for example, it's a general capability outlining how thoughts/imagination serve as the medium for manipulating all realities. They aren't quite enough if we're trying to paint a vivid picture of the power but until we've established a mutually agreed on interpretation it'll stay that way.
Happy to.