I'd go with specialised through adaptation. Unlock powers overtime to suit my needs through self adaptation then after a certain point just evolve to the Superior Adaptation.
There's infinite possibilities for this power.
I guess I would summon every fictional universe into reality. This includes anything written, anime, movies, tv shows, etc.
But since I summoned all of them, I gain the amalgamation of all powers from each Universe summoned.
"The World prospered like never before developing at an astonishing rate. Even though the planet had existed for billions of years before humanity. The Earth had now been altered through these Superpowers. One individual altered the very architecture and geographic structure of the planet. This altered and revitalised the very qualities and making them more prosperous. They did this by reversing the Earth’s Space-Time surrounding it to the very start of the Earth’s lifecycle. Then they terraformed its state to its Prime. The natural fertility of every resource became its most efficient state for better production value. Through the new Power System, the Planet and the surrounding system developed too."
This is a small snipit of a story I'm writing.
Nigh Omnipotence. Just so I know I have enough power to help others, no matter the situation.
You wouldn't need to.
High Spec (not surprising) and Copy. The Versatility of knowing which Quirk to use at one time could be used efficiently.
Either way is fine with me.
In terms of brokeness, I'd say Hogyoku, due to infinitely evolving. Majin Mark? If you have evil in your heart then you get a power boost. Ten Tails would be powerful. Sukuna's, similar to Ten Tails. One For All and All For One would be quite broken if all Quirks are available and no drawback from that. Every Devil Fruit would be interesting since you'd basically be a God.
Anos. Beerus has simple destructive powers. His Hakai as someone mentioned, destroys being in his reality, not any future or past varients. Whereas Anos can destroy a concept itself.
My own OC is.
You can be pain level, Nagato level, or even be capable of pulling together planets, galaxies or even universes into one point. Or push everything of the same magnitude away. That being a physical representation.
Yet just as @No.13Kid has said, aspects of life, concepts and even further higher dimensional realities can be pulled or pushed away.
I'm surprised someone had a similar idea to mine, albeit a bit more simpler.
No, there will be million more powers, we just haven't thought that specific on it due to our current scientific or even fictional knowledge.
God doesn't exist. Yet all the rest have more evidence to back themselves up rather than a fictional being.
Omnipresence: You're already at the location.
Absolute Speed, you still need to move to that location no matter what speed you're going.
This makes sense to me.
With one absolute power, you can gain all power with it.
Such as Absolute Change, Absolute Will, even Perfection.
If you're the sole ruler of a universe, you're omnipotent to that degree of control. But outside of that universe your powerless.
If you're gifted the power of omnipotence, you would only gain nigh-omnipotence by an omnipotent being.
You would have had to exist since the start of existence itself, so in essence you are existence itself due to possibly creating the big bang from nothing. (religion would call this God without the big bang of course.)
Omnipotence is a term used when a being has so much power in their reality that NOONE can compete with, its a word that belittles the strongest of Gods.
The closest to this power is Metapotence, Ultipotence, Author Authority, Almighty Science and Magic. Even Reality Warping to the highest degree could hold this title.
The only possible way for you to gain Omnipotence is if the "God" transfers his power to you permanently in exchange for your mortality. This is my interpretation of a possibility.
But in fiction based stories anything can work because they're fiction. You could literally write "God gave me his powers, he became mortal so I became God 2.0." And that would class as becoming Omnipotent.
Its a title that literally expresses Power.
Tossed between Naruto, My Hero and Irregular at Magic High School:
If in Naruto, high affinity for Ninjutsu could be at the Level of Naruto?
If in My Hero, One For All would need to be on the table, or any equivalent power.
If in Irregular, High Affinity for Processing Magic would be a need, maybe just below Tatsuya.
Regenerative healing factor can be both passive and consciously done. So Wolverine mainly uses it for passive purposes. Whereas others can focus on a particular area of their body with the most damage and consciously quicken the healing process there while other damage is done passively.
A sub type of this could be called Focused Regenerative Healing Factor.