Which superpower is MORE Powerful and Better?
Fate Manipulation (A.K.A. Destiny Manipulation)
Plot Manipulation (A.K.A. Plot Control)
It already exists, it is Meta Power Immunity.
I think Dark Matter would be more advantegeous, since it has better Applications than Antimatter in my opinion.
Dark Matter greater than Antimatter greater than Mirror Matter
Embodiment Manipulation - The Power to control/manipulate/warp all embodiments at will
Thanks for informing me............
Oblivion Designing - The ability to design the concept of Oblivion and manipulate all Oblivion-based powers
Meta Power Mimicry - The ability to mimic ALL powers. Meta/Absolute/Ultimate version of Power Mimicry.
Embodiment Manipulation - The Power to control/manipulate/warp all embodiments at will
Meta Warping Anchoring - The power to be completely IMMUNE to all warping-type superpowers.
It could be called 'Meta Passive Ability Immunity' or 'Meta Passive Power Immunity'.
This is an interesting Ability and I like it.
This is actually hilarious.
What do you guys think?
Cool idea, that's useful.
Which superpower is MORE Powerful and Better?
Fate Manipulation (A.K.A. Destiny Manipulation)
Plot Manipulation (A.K.A. Plot Control)
Oblivion Lordship - The power to have absolute command/control over Oblivion. User possess complete control over any/all of Oblivion. User can manipulate anything/everything involved or related with Oblivion.
Existence Lordship - The power to have absolute command/control over Existence. User possess complete control over any/all of Existence. User can manipulate anything/everything involved or related with Existence in any way, shape or form.
Corrosive Poison Generation = The Ability to generate/create/produce corrosive poison.
Corrosive Poison Manipulation = The Ability to manipulate/control corrosive poison.
Axiom Embodiment = The The power to become the embodiment of axioms. User becomes the embodiment or personification of axioms. (Descriptive example of what an axiom is - a concept can be broken down into principles, which can then be broken down into the simple, self-evident axioms that compose it.)
Axiom Creation = The ability to create Axioms, self-evident and true facts from which principles emerge from, and from them distinct concepts and the rest of the eveerything.
Yes, i didn't know this but it is Almighty Link.....
Meta Power Source = The power to be source of ALL abilities. The user is the origin/source of all superpowers and represents the concept of superpower.