Name: Samuel Bishop
Alias: Capacitor
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Power Level Classification: Alpha Level; potentially Omega Level
Birthplace/Nationality: America (California, specifically)
Occupation: Student; X-man
Affiliation: Xavier Institute
I have short, black hair, brown eyes, and dark skin. I am about average height, standing at 5’8”, and I have a somewhat lean figure. I often wear glasses due to being myopic, but I will sometimes forego wearing them. I generally wear clothes consisting of a tank-top, sweatpants, a blue-grey jacket, and black sneakers. My eyes will often glow when using my powers.
Powers and Abilities:
There is a limit to how much energy I can store in my body. If I absorb too much, my body will overload and begin to suffer damage until I release it.
Excessive use of my powers will exhaust my reserves and weaken me.
I have difficulty absorbing energy I am not used to. Absorbing a foreign energy can make me sick until my body adjusts to it.
Backstory (optional):
I was living a peaceful life with my parents. We would just mind our own business and not bother anybody. Unfortunately, people would always come after us due to being black, it didn’t matter what we did or what we didn’t do, someone always had a problem with us.
Then, one night, a group of radicals set our house on fire. I woke up to find my room in flames. I was struggling to breathe, smoke filling my lungs. I was terrified, for myself and my parents, thinking that we’re all gonna die. I was just on the verge of losing consciousness when suddenly, I felt a huge surge of power within me. I looked to see that the fire was entering into my body, but it didn’t hurt. I was absorbing the flames, not just that, I was also absorbing the heat and thermal energy, cooling everything down and forming ice.
I was awestruck at what was happening, and I wanted to question it, but I needed to focus on saving my parents. I headed up to my parents room, absorbing the energy and putting out the fire as I made my way there. I got to my parents’ room, but the door was jammed. Using my new power, I absorbed every ounce of heat from the door until it became brittle ice. I then smashed the door and saw my parents on the floor, struggling to breathe. I quickly absorbed all the fire in their room and dragged them both outside.
Once we were all safe, I absorbed all the heat and fire from the house until all that was left was charred wreckage. Seeing our home burned down made me furious, and I wanted to get back at the bastards who did it, but just as I was about to roast them, my dad stopped me. He told me that I shouldn’t lower myself to their level, so instead, I just kicked them in the balls before releasing all the heat into the air. The police arrived shortly after, and thankfully, they were black police. We told them what happened and they arrested the arsonists.
Later, we decided to move to a new neighborhood, one that is predominantly black and has little discrimination. There, we were visited by Professor Charles Xavier, who offered to have me attend his school and learn how to use my powers to help people. My parents and I accepted, and I am now headed towards a place where I can learn to use my powers for good and hopefully where I'll be able to fit in.
What I'll do:
Now that I’m a student of the Xavier Institute, I’ll practice with my powers and explore all of what they can do. Then, I’ll work on using them to help people. Outside of that, I’ll work to become a social activist and speak out against racism and prejudice. I will give blacks a voice and show them that they don’t have to just sit down and take what people throw at them.
Other Information (optional):
My favorite food is pizza.
I’m 19.
I have some emotional issues caused by a lifetime of harassment and discrimination.
I have a crush on Hisako Ichiki (Armor), and had a brief relationship with Laurie Tromette (Transonic).
Best friends with Nezhno Abidemi (Gentle) and Idie Okonkwo (Oya).
Explained in my backstory.
I was a bit scared at first, because for all my life until that moment, I never knew I was a mutant. I then became intrigued and wanted to learn more about my powers, which is why I accepted Xavier's invitation.
My parents already know b/c they saw when I was using them. Most of the people in my old neighborhood knew, but Xavier erased their memories. I don’t know if I’ll tell anyone else about them yet.
Already explained above.
Nothing I can think of, except that maybe after I graduate from Xavier's, I’ll become a personal hero for African-Americans across the world. Though I won’t just be focusing on blacks, I will help whoever I can, regardless of race or skin color.