Well, you answered yourself.
Infinite power in which the only limit is your imagination
after you've done everything you wanted to do, what do you do next? because, well you can't exactly kill yourself if you are depressed...
As you stated before, imagination is your limit and all I can see is that you lack an active imagination. After you've done everything you wanted to do you need to have new goals. Make fantasy worlds like the ones in anime and games or make virtual world the ones in Sword Art Online anime, go for adventures with group of people to those worlds (and this is a great way to expand your horizon and imaginations. Also, a good way to combat depression). Replicate the species in anime to your fantasy worlds (Dwarfs, Giants, Orcs, Demi-Humans, Spirits, Angels, Elves(Elf), Succubus, Fairy ....and so on)
Now you have a lot of work and fun
1. Omni-teleportation - so I can leave this shity universe and travel to other planes of existence.
2. Absolute Immortality - just to be safe
3. Reality Interface - just in case I need something badly in this new plane of existence
I don't thing there is power like this.
Do you have user for it or is it fanon, I mean did you saw it on a tv series/cartoon/anime or you made it up?
Most likely not.
If you have phone why not try it out?
LOL why no one wish to have Absolute Wish
You can wish for Omnipotence if you want, it's rule free wish and the poster didn't forbid wishing for Omnipotence. Also Absolute Wish is more convincing for me.
LOL, what new powers we see now on this wiki.
@Qwertyboi89 it was deleted by @CrystalStorm51 This was the page. https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Super_Laser_Piss
The decision was biased in my opinion, considering we have Digestive_Waste_Generation which is not even a superpower (The user can create digestive waste).
Fun fact: Lurid Munchkin edit Digestive_Waste_Generation and add Super_Laser_Piss as Techniques but CrystalStorm51 undo the edit, well if piss power considering bad then Digestive_Waste_Generation in in the same boat in my opinion.
Also CrystalStorm51 don't consider this as bashing but when I give a look upon this wiki log tree most of the time you delete without specifying the reason of the delete, man when you delete something it's best practice to specify the reason of delete.
Eckareot wrote: I still think that Eternal Transcendence is better
Eternal Transcendence is just a variation of Meta Transcendence. both are equall.
I will try to explain both powers according to my knowledge, you know, Evey power here based on one user, you watch anime (TV series, movies or read manga/book/light novel or play game ...etc) and see cool superpower and then you create new entry for it in this wiki based on the power of that user, Meta Transcendence based on "Featherine Augustus Aurora".
For those that aren't familiar with Featherine she is from series called Umineko (when they cry) and she is a very powerful being.
I'll try to give a Simplified layman's terms of the cosmology and the infinite hierarchy abyss:
The Infinite Hierarchical Abyss:
just imagine power level from 1 -to- Infinite, where 1 is powerless and Infinite the level of god, in her world she transcended the realm of witches and reached the realm of the Creator, but she only touched the last boundary. Anyone who actually becomes part of the Creator is completely erased, due to loss of all restrictions, including life, death, and meaning. and that where the limitation (Limits being self-defining, users are likely to hold back a lot to preserve their sense of self and meaning.) came from.
Creator domain:
Featherine is powerful and due to essentially touching the barest portion of the Creator's realm/true self, but not fully entering so as not to be consumed by it. Featherine is still limited by a sense of self, which one loses when they become part of the "Creator". Since you are no longer you, but merely another part of something that is 0. This sense of meaning stops her from being completely omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.
All who join the creator and Transcendence eveything are erased and become true limitless|Boundless https://i.imgur.com/teWi6Xi.jpg
Eternal Transcendence you will walk that infinite hierarchy step by step for Eternity to reach the Creator domain.
so it's up to you, do you like the journey to the last step and like to spend your time (Eternal Transcendence) or do you want to jump immediately to the last step without spend Eternity (Meta_Transcendence)
Both lead to the same destinastion and both at the last step you will need lose your individuality to be limitless
with the down side being that you can't transcend all limitation.
That not entirely true, as you reach the last level/step you will transcend all limitation.
@RegalHarbinger Just enter to any page then scroll down and you will see Categories and it's sub-Categories just like this:
Categories: | Powers | Supernatural Powers| Almighty Powers| Absolute Powers| Appearance Alteration | Enhancements | Personal Physical Powers | Divine Powers | Transcendent Powers | Mind Based Powers | Peak Powers | Attribute Enhancement | Meta Powers | Support Powers | Rare power | Infinite Powers |
then click
Categories or any of it sub.
It's a question.
Yes, this page https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Categories
It contain all of this wiki categories
Summon Nigh-Omnipotent Being as guardian and servant.
Well the limitations clearly stated that users of Singularity and Uniqueness are immune, and omnipotent beings are both Unique and Singularity so that a big draw back for this power.
- Character: the power of Pre-Retcon Beyonder or Thanos with HOTU ( Heart of the Universe) if I can but if I'm not capable I will copy Franklin Richards' reality warping power "Mentifery"
- Artifact : Heart of the Universe if can't then the powers of all six Infinity Gems (Marvel Comics)
- Knowledge :The Watchers (Marvel Comics) they are Nigh Omniscience
With this power you can just throw "cause-effect mechanisms" and "logic" out of the window.
You can prevent yourself from ever born, or you can kill your grand grand father and still exist. your mere existence is paradox.
You can be older than eternity, and beyond infinite, Why? cuz fuck laws of reality, logic and common sense.
(ThePirateKing777 wrote: My question is if protege copyed Pre-retcon or Post-retcon Beyonder )
Protege copied the 1st Post-Recton Beyonder's powers (The Cosmic Cube) not the Pre-retcon one.
Here is the full story of his battle on comicvine wiki https://comicvine.gamespot.com/beyonder/4005-10300/#Alternate%20Earths (CTRL + F "Alternate Earths")
( Can Almighty Replication copy Ultipotence? )
I don't really know since I'm not a comic guy but I know who is:
The folk at comicvine are huge comic books fans and this link are the best you can find on the internet related to Protege (Almighty Replication) vs Pre-Recton Beyonder (Ultipotence)
DeuzExMachina wrote: yes you can in your own verse.
What do you mean?
Tell me how many verse in this wiki the character gone from nobody to god? the answer is "a lot"
if you can get power that allow you to remove your limit or boundary then you can become god in the omniverse you are in.
many almighty powers can give you the statue of OP
There are some powers that is on omnipotent, Meta and Almighty. And yes, omnipotent powers are omnipotent after all.