Maybe I can give life to the food in his stomach and kill him from the inside. Certain foods take a long time to digest, so I can technically make a food monster out of what's in his stomach.
I feel like I could slip my vines in to creases of his armor like skin, while I distract him. Either that or I could create parasitic spores that would incapacitated him, while I endure his attacks.
I wanna fuck someone in hulk form and see what happens.
Why does none of you want the Shapeshifting cloak?
I will definitely take the Shapeshifting Cloak.
@RoosterBooster30 His power is the ability to understand and adapt and in order to understand and adapt he had to have apathy however he is able to take people's powers without killing them but in Sylar's analytical perspective killing them was the faster way because in order for him to use their abilities without killing them he instead had to deeply understand the person's feelings towards having their unique abilities and their feelings towards why they have them which takes a little more time.
C because strength in numbers.
@RoosterBooster30 Yes I mean like sylar, who was the best character in heroes in my opinion.
Intuitive Aptitude.
Mystic warrior most definitely
The ocean
I chose plot so I can have PLOT ARMOR
This is the best I could do:
Given to cause
Immortality because I want to live long enough for other people to create high tech tools that gives me the ability to do the other options and steal the tools for myself.
Enhanced Equilibrium
Is the entity good,bad or indifferent?
Nature, because it can be a very powerful asset on all fields if used correctly.
Definitely Mach infinity
DEPRESSION MANIPULATION for internal and external purposes of course