Debatable, after all, depending on the iteration, Trigon cares for her enough that he wants her to rule by his side.
Raven easily. She is quiet, loves to read, meditates for a large portion of the day, and has magic powers to do her portion of the housework. So long as I do my portion and don't actively provoke her, we would be just fine. Plus, I feel like she would be open to becoming friends eventually.
Item Name: Infinite Library
Power: Each book acts as a portal to and from a story from our world. By using it, one can go to other worlds, gain their power system, go on adventure, and come back with the fruits of their time in that world.
More of a flaw, but if you are good at everything then how do you feel a sense of accomplishment about completing a difficult task? Or how do you feel good about learning how to do something new? Of course, this flaw will only affect a certain type of person but it still is a flaw.
1 to 3 in terms of powers and let abilities be the result of training. I'm assuming that in this world your build, people are born with their powers. From there, everybody starts at about the same level in whatever power they have and have to train their powers if they want to develop abilities, kind of like a skill tree. That makes it so that having more or fewer powers is relatively balanced. Having only one power gives you more time to master it from a theoretical and practical level, meaning one can get better way faster, and have a far better understanding of the true capabilities of their power. Having multiple powers gives one more diversity, but it means that it takes longer to develop because you have to study and train for multiple abilities. Ultimately, the amount of abilities one has could just be some up as either how hard working someone is. As for magic, in a way, it would essentially be like having infinite powers with infinite potential, but as a result, one has to study more and train far longer to get to an advanced level.
How about a character with abandonment issues having a life-absorbing touch?
If we're being truly fair, Mal isn't a terrible representation of what a fairy and a god having a child would be. She has powerful magic which she gets from her mom. From her dad, she can use divine artifacts. She could be immortal or at least very long-lived as most fairies are long-lived and gods are immortal. As for other powers, that just goes into the semantics of who the divine parent is, how much she can inherit from him, and the author's choice. In her case, maybe she would have been able to use some of his powers without needing the Ember. Maybe she has an enhanced physical condition. Maybe she would be able to do the iconic Hades flame hair when she wants. Maybe she has an affinity for death being able to sense and cause it. If they wanted they could just say that her divine heritage supercharges her magic, making her far too powerful to be compared with other fairies. Even making her weaker than either species is fair as you could say that their powers don't mix well. At this point, it is just a matter of how much the writer wants to have said hybrid inherit from their parents.
I didn't say she was a sociopath, but we see her repress all emotion. In the episode where we see inside her head, we see the literal representation of her happiness, her timidity, bravery, laziness, passion, anger, etc. who are always being suppressed. Of course, she still has feelings, but they are usually suppressed or very muted at all times. This counts in that Apathy is "the power to suppress/negate emotions in oneself or possess none at all." She is always suppressing them so it counts. The only real difference is that she got this as a result of training and meditation as opposed to her innate empath powers.
Isn't Raven from Teen Titans that? She suppresses her emotions at almost all times, but she has empathy as a power and can use emotion to empower her magic.
As a kid, you get to have way more novelty, plus you get more time to practice and perfect it. The only downside is that you are less likely to be able to keep it a secret for long due to having less self-control and understanding of the consequences of telling people.
Depends on the world itself. In a One Punch Man world? Easily. Dragon Ball? Easy. Our world? Nope. No matter how much you train, there is a limit to how strong the human body could get through training. You could get Absolute Combat though as you would have a long enough life to learn nearly all martial arts, master them, make your own, etc.
Fiction Travel and Learn Ability. With the infinite worlds of fiction, I could learn nigh-infinite abilities and grow them to omnipotent levels.
If I'm in those worlds, I want power absorption/ power mimicry so I could get to that omnipotent level myself. In this world, I'm just taking magic since it is naturally all-encompassing in terms of capabilities.
I read a few light novels that show how OP water manipulation could be. Healing, manipulating the three states of matter, flight, fat reduction, etc. Not to mention blood bending. I am set with water.
You get angry at your parents and you make them disappear.
You get lied to, you hate liars, no one can lie anymore.
You were a kid who wanted to be older, and when you wake up the next day you're an adult.
Your emotions dictate how the world changes around you.
Use your power so when they come back, they forget they died, and then find a way to make the resurrection automatic.