I don't think none of this two are the superpoweres I looking for, I meant artificial power and fake replica object creation-based powers.
Like for example ghosts that still haunts and dodn't rest in peace exist between the living world and afterlife and Sonic's friends were trapped between the real world and the cyber space form the Sonic Frontiers game and the Pillars of Equestria and the Pony of Shadows were teleported and banished to limbo where time stand still from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
But can the Metarex cammanders who are least reptiles in their both Hover Mode and Final Mova transformations from Sonic X be in both Alien Dragon Physiology and Archetype:Plant Dragon and the dinosaurs from Dinosaur King be in Archetype:Elemental Dragon?
Some elemental reptils and dinosaurs are also in Archetype:Elemental Dragon, for exsample Flygon is in Insect Dragon Physiology even when Flygon is only both a ground and dragon-type and not an insect-type, Seadramon is in Archetype:Water dragon even when Seadramon is probably not a dragon type Digimon, and Biolizard is in Bionic Dragon Physiology even when Biolizard is only a reptile and not a dragon.
Is your answer the meaning of Surveillance or Espionage?
Both have something to do spying and be a spy.
Both has something to do with godly-based powers.
I just created that page.
I want also an page of aracheype of characters like both My Little Pony and Care Bear.
I don't think that is the body language reading sub-superpower/skill.
When the user can read other's body language to know about their true nature and intentions without knowing them or another way to knowing them?
I need to add Cream and Vanilla from IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog in both the known users list and cartoons/comics gallery too.
Can some non-organic users like robots also use Body Imprisonment and which different ways can user bind, imprison, and/or otherwise trap other beings using their own bodies, absorbing others inside their own bodies?
But what about when some users in some ways trap, absorb and seal others inside themselves in some ways, what powers are this?
But what common powers do this characters have, Tikal from Sonc the Hedgehog, Zecora's potion from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic season 4 episode 1 an 2, Utroms' Oracle Pod from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 TV series and Merwoman from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
Do you think is Binding because they all are alos in Binding? I was the one who added them both to Binding and Binding Mimicry.
But what common powers do this characters have, the giant ancient Gengar from Pokémon episode 74 "The Ancient Puzzle of Pokémopolis", Balloon from Sonic Frontiers, Chaos 6 from Sonic X, Final Mova from Sonic X, E-47 Pumpty from Sonic X and Experiment 086 "Clink" from Lilo & Stitch?
But aren't there and what's the name of some superpowers of users who absorbs/seals and/or traps beings inside themself if it's not a variant of Binding Mimicry?
For example don't the giant ancient Gengar from Pokémon episode 74 "The Ancient Puzzle of Pokémopolis" both have Binding Mimicry and Personal Seal powers when it both absorbs/seals and traps beings inside itself and its relic "Dark Device"?