34 Votes in Poll
When you live in Florida, Heat Empowerement is a requirement.
Don't know about the rest, but Rock Lee could've easily been the real main character of Naruto, considering it USED TO BE about hard work, not natural talent. And Lee trained harder than almost any other kid.
The mage or the assassin because i'm an edgy bitch.
I love OG Teen Titans. Teen Titans GO will ALWAYS be completely worthless trash in my eyes.
Hurfuckingray, I get Torch. Once again, being born in March gives me the shortest stick. The day being a March baby gives you something actually good, let alone OP, is the day we all get our dream powers in real life.
Demon time 😈
@WhoswhoIsItYou? Yeah, but that'll never be how I want to make money. Also, as destavating as earthquakes and landslides are, at the same time, fire is much more immediate and 3rd degree burns and smoke inhalation aren't something to laugh at.
Gimme a cool demon form.
Earth, I don't care for it.
Don't correct misspellings and bad grammar, that's annoying and kinda rude.
Nice bait.
Don't be a grammar nazi.
Why aren't yall picking Luffy's fruit? We've seen what he's capable of BEFORE Gear 5.
Why would you choose COTE? Hardly anyone there is actually smart, they make all sorts of BS arguments and logic, especially in favor of boobs. No mystery series with a priority on sexual fanservice can ever be considered smart in my eyes. It's just for edgy dumb teens.
Empathic Healing
Maybe I can make her a less shitty person.
Whoops. Didn't think of it. You probably get an empowerment based off friendship or bonding.
Hoped you enjoyed! Did this on a whim, I was bored.
34 Votes in Poll
37 Votes in Poll