It can't even transcend The Roots
He is still inferior to Copyright
Bunch of SCP fans starts crying SCP transcended our Reality. This might be a simple reminder to them
Magic explained by science?
The location is the Void itself?
Good idea though
@Omni-Defiance , look like I'll join Buddhism just to achieve Omnipotence. See you there in that state of being.
Ok then
Let's use both fictional and real examples
Ficntional examples are Akuto Sai from Demon King Daimao.
He achieves Omnipotence via Void Body granted by Law of Identity but we still recognize him as nothing but a normal human in the beginning of the story.
And there is SCP 3812. In the beginning, he is just as insane person who suddenly transcending infinite narrative stacks.
For RL examples is Buddha from Buddhism. Buddhists believed Buddha transcended origin and time but we are all aware he started as prince with existential crisis.
Users of origin and temporal transcendence doesn't transcend them in the truest sense as we knew when they achieve Omnipotence as well as when they are powerless.
You can't achieve Omnipotence as one must have no origin like Noncreated Physiology and Eternal Existence as they and will always be Invincible. Not to mention there is no point of time where they are powerless.
Cosmic Otherness= one with none
Unity= one with all
Since none is part of all, Unity is much powerful.
Meta Ability Creation covered that up
Meta Ability Creation covered that up
Yet she didn't
No she doesn't
She could have gained it before she got defeated yet she didn't
She doesn't possess Omniscience from that of a proper user of Author Authority
Everything is suspetible to time so I basically affect everything
I now but I am referring in-universe