81 Votes in Poll
81 Votes in Poll
Same stick different ends
So wise that you always make the right choice
So intellectually capable that's it's impossible to make the wrong choice
Many ways to de-feather a chicken
My favorite chip Flavor is Physics and I get Pataphysics Manipulation
I will make love to all the Chicken Dinosaurs and Breed a Super Mutant Chicken hybrid race.
I choose to become Sargeras from world of warcraft
@Cameron Washington It's all I want for my True wish:)
I wish to have Camerons final wish upon completion to be 1, 1 millionth to the power of 1, 1 millionth to be fraction of my fart particle in my depowered normal state. @Cameron Washington and I will stay all the years required for an Absolute wish
@DOPOP I wasn't referring to you, the person I'm talking about I haven't seen on in like a week or so, so ya good my guy
@TheFantasticElijah I was talking about you, it's cool chill
@Dpop nobody in particular, another person that likes Science like I do, but I've seen there post and just stay away from outside of the occasional trolling
Perfection can't be achieved by humans, I would set a standard for them then, like a certain number of mental, Physical, Elemental, spiritual powers etc. You want each character to have to help each other since you want a team, but I don't doubt people are probably thinking by now you have a super hero/Villian universe that looks like a rainbow with a bunch of people having orygies of 7 with Vanessa Von Lovejoy of variety in each group
TBH idc, I just like being helpful. Me personally I think you're creating new profiles so people will reply to you. But the fact that people give you input on a regular basis all you say is thank you and give very little insight back probably detours them from returning to your comment and as much I don't like that other douche also point out your the same person I do agree with them that you have almost no variety in your post. Basically all your teams are variations of the same. Kinda like going "help me design this red fire character I'm @NuclearSodaPop " , "Help me design this darker red fire character @Emerald jumper 48 " , "Help me design this slightly lighter red fire character @TheFantasticElijah " and you expect people to not know it's you... to me idc I just like being honest and I think it's funny as opposed to annoying but I wouldn't doubt with very little originality in your post because they are all functionality dysfunctional ,always 7, some color stuff, related to your feelings ALL THE TIME that people may get annoyed. Not being mean just honest perspective try something new maybe?? LIKE A BAND OF FIRE CHICKENS
Well there are some people on this wiki I don't like but some of them have also pointed it out. You always post the same. It's like seeing an orange pretend to be an Apple when you know it's a really orange.
@Emerald jumper 48 = @NuclearSodaPop = @TheFantasticElijah = The same Person
@Clara Sirius See comment above
Lol this that @NuclearSodaPop that is really @Emerald jumper 48
I would separate people by there political beliefs then not allow the countries to interact.... or make the government I deem as unsustainable likely communism or something into a paradise by killing all the citizens that are there. Correction I won't be mean and kill them I'll just alter their physics so they end up killing themselves, touching would be explosive, accelrating causes a loss in friction, so etc... it would be a comedy town
@OutOnTheDock123 there can only be one Omnipotent
Meant to type word Salad lol my b
48 Votes in Poll