What would the power even be, luck or plot manipulation
I think I could win because Physical Manipulation could probably give me Absolute Condition and maybe, if wanked Autopotence
Who do I face
Hit me
50% of the time you enter fictional universes, you feel an intense pain of ten thousand fiery swords in your gut
I'd pick a dinosaur
Weapon Projection
Yk like Shirou Emiya but I can project divine weapons too
Wouldn't plot armor and narrative immunity contradict
"Arin is immune to the effects of his own power and cannot accidentally rewrite his own memories or existence" vs "Arin can grant himself or others protection by writing their immunity to specific harm or outcomes, effectively altering their fate."
Major contradiction over there
No offense but he seems slightly like a Gary Stu, i'd recommend having characters who can challenge his power or limit his powers to a certain domain.
How strong is he on a vsbw tier.
For a second I thought Lucario having all moves meant it having all moves it could potentially learn not all the moves of all pokemon, if so then Judgement GG
Lowkey, I'd actually cook with evil laughter
Imagine how epic an innocent smile with the most crazy antagonist laughter is
Lets try it
Lowkey, i'd literally be superman. Im just him