Archetype:Nexus Entity
A really strange quizz, but it is unexpectedly at least 80% True. But what power do i have exactly ? Does the "obey me" is a hint, so my power is like supreme voice (using my will to manipulate non-living object and living beings = alike reality manipulation) or more like mind control.
Dragon aura
I got omni augmentation, i have a high probability to win.
Corrumpted symbiosis
I think i win
I take the risk
Honestly, i don't need more, these three power is enough. Power is nothing without freedom and dream, so my answer is no.
Destructive force manipulation
3 seems to be enough for me but why should i limit myself to 3 when i can have 4.
I don't trust the evil but i don't trust the "good" more. I am more near to be impartial but most people would just see me as evil guy.
The good have no reason to exist.
The good intention is the ones to pay the most attention because you never think about it and the consequences unlike evil intention is rarely imperceptible and can be often prevent.
What you think is good may not be in the interest of other but your (some people make a move for redemption, fear of a god, hope of natural reward, to have a good conscience (most selfish act for me). And what is good or not is different and mostly unique to an person.
Generally help people just incite people to profite of the "good" people and never think about help themselves or learn from their mistake until they are alone ready to create havoc for stupid reason.
The "good" ones can also finish broken (caused by their Weaknesses, how they are treat by life and people) and fall in the darkness with 2 option: destroy themselves or destroy other People.
Often the evil ones is either the broken innocent/good people or created by the good ones. (Forget my bad translation but a phrase can resume what I said: the way to hell is make of good intentions )
So at the end the human concept of good and evil doesn't really exist because what you can see like wrong/evil is more easy to prevent and help you to become better but the good/good behavior can be a bad thing for you and more difficult to prevent so more dangerous.
*I don't incite to not help but don't make it too easy, don't support their burden for them, remind them of their mistake until they learn, help them just for the strict necessity in adequation of their situation. If you can, never help them directly and don't give them the solution but only a hint/part of the solution (sometime the little actions irrelevant or not count most and are the most memorable).
Im open to debate and elaborate about it
Matter redistribution
If i can absorb some part of them/ caracteristic then im good. If not, absorbing rock to litterally become a rock and wait.
Hood, i never liked wearing hats
Nothing, just travel around the world and assimile everything in order to reach perfection.
What is your name
The nighmare/ The dark knight/The l'an in te dark
What does your object
A ring
What are your powers/abilities
Draconic element (darkness)
What is your costume:
In my first stage im covered by a cape made of darkness with a style fight like invocator/mage).
Stage 2, with still my cape but with an armor like a Black knight inspired by the dragons and an draconic arm.
Stage 3, no more cape and my body become more and more dragon like but im still like a humanoid and with 3 pairs of winged wings with a d'accord arm (not like human but more like prehensils claws), ect
Kind of world:
Magic and monster world (4)
Isekai method:
Directly incident a high statut monster child with memory (15)
Talent : (11)
-Prodigy but mostly in war and magic(2)
-The Black dragon relic: It's a ring, used by the heir of the royal devil family to purify and facilitate the bloodline absorption of the minors bloodline by the royal devil family bloodline .The first demon/devil king was a "demi god" son of the Black dragon a unique kind of dragon born from the bloody expansion of the dragon god of light in the multiverse void. This weapon permit to bypass the gods curse and use the strenght of the ancient blood (some traits of the primo ancestor) more easily like other ancient demi gods family (usually= all royal family or high status family) and have the power to nullify (primordial nothinness manipulation) as longer you have the energy to support the utilisation (used like the nuclear weapon) (9)
Op that fits and op: (46)
-the ability to absorb the essence/life force of beings probably by the blood. Which resume to steal 1 high ability /10 minors or the complete stat of my choice/the half of 2 stats of my choice. (16)
-Reality warping (30)
Total: 76
Last word (2 high probability):
-"well im dying, not my first time, but this time it's where I end and still nothing like if was already dead . Should i say welcome to the reality or goodbye to my reality" (really possible,
-"If there is something after "that", i just wish to wake up in a fantasy world like a dragon" (need to be optimistic and you are not when you are dying)
1 case:
-Reality warping
-Undead physiology (probably True vampire physiology)
-Assimilative evolution
2 case:
-Black dragon physiology
-Assimilative evolution
(It's my definition of these mythical being so it may not be the power application found on the wiki)
How I will use it:
I will use reality warping only in last ressort but no matter what physiology i will just farm (eat or drink some blood/absorb life force ) of some being to evolve but with a trick i can take only one high skill /10 minors skills OR one complete stat (for exemple strenght)/half of 2 stats. (I don't want to be too OP too quickly)
I will not kill everything i see (don't want to be chased) but choose what worth it then leave before someone or something notice.
In first place I will go to fairy tail to learn dragon slayer magic.
And the next is impossible to know, but I sure to visit some place like final fantasy verse, dragon ball verse, Dc and marvel, many fantasy world and maybe sci-fi world.
Telekinesis + animal creation/shapeshifting
Basic Skill Level:
Telekinetic pull/push
Advanced Skill Level:
Telekinetic aura
Expert Skill Level:
Power deactivation