*Nislablamh snatches Annabelle up by her head*
"Your Anti-Magic works not on me..."
*Ivori floats up and lands on Nislablamh's shoulder*
"She's not my mother, idiot. She's the Goddess of the Fae. Now, you're in trouble. Should have minded your own business."
*Nislablamh throws Annabelle onto the ground and stomps on her, leaving a small crater behind.*
I won't I promise. These are still my weaker OC's too so I'll make sure to keep the city cleaner than the others would.
*Ivori recoils visibly, but shows no fear as the clouds part open. Blinding rainbow lights shimmer down to the ground and the plants around begin to blossom.*
*Ivori's red magic makes an explosion around her as a giant, 200 ft tall woman descends from the sky. Nislablemh lands behind her, her white eyes glaring down at Annabelle*
Name: Nislablemh
Alias: The Goddess of the Fae/Fey
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Species: Goddess
Age: Unknown...
Personality: Mysterious, Quiet, and yet alluring. Dangerous, extremely powerful, and yet nurturing over Ivori. Cold and calloused, but warm and loving when it's earned.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Occupation: Goddess of the Fae
Goddess Armor- She wears almost impenetrable armor that allows her to traverse time and even move through reality, giving her a hard edge in battle.
Crown of the Fae- She wears a crown that cannot be removed from her head that allows her to fully mind control her victims.
Goddess of the Fae/Fey- Originally, Nislablemh was the first Fairy in existence, she rules over all Fae and Fae related things. She has full command over the Fae as a whole and is entirely more powerful than all other Fae. Due to being the first Fairy, she has an arsenal of abilities.
Authority over faeries.
Conversion Manipulation of faeries.
While not weak to Cold Iron, she is weak against regular Iron.
She is weak to fire, but only if her heart is burned.
She doesn't need to speak to use magic, but she can't use it if she cannot think
She can change her shape, size, and all but she cannot make those changes permanent
She's not Omnipotent meaning a stronger reality warper could beat her.
Due to being symbiotically tied to Ivori, if Ivori dies, she loses her host that allows her to enter the Earthly plane.
Backstory: Unknown....
Extra Info:
She and Ivori are symbiotically bonded, allowing her to give Ivori power and vice versa
She chose Ivori as the ruler of the Fae Realm until it's destruction.
She can warp reality on a sub-atomic level and it's effects would change the hyperverse.
She is beyond physical constraints, meaning she has no need for sleep, food, water, warmth, shelter, or and even air. She can survive in space.
Unlike most Fae, when she does magic, her magic doesn't have a manifestation or cue that she's doing it. Her gems may glow though right before her spell is cast.
When she does energy blasts, it manifests as an iridescent energy, almost invisible but noticeable but the rainbow lights reflecting off it.
I'm about to drop the hardest pic for an OC in the entire history of OC's
*Ivori looks at Annabelle*
*She looks at Toshi, her eyes glowing brightly*
'Step closer, come to me...'
*Ivori screams loudly, like a Banshee. She tears through the ground, and as she comes to the surface, black withered trees mark her arrival as they tear through the streets of New York.*
*Her red magic twists into a sword.*
"You..." *She looks at Annabelle and Toshi* "...you will die..."
*She whispers under her breath....one name. The sky turns grey and cloudy and the smell of ozone fills the air* (I have to go make her fairy she's linked too brb.)
*Ivori slips up from the ground below Annabelle and snatches her by her ankle, dragging her back into the ground with her to her cave of hibernation*
'You may win up there, not down here....'
*She flickers into existence, standing in front of Annabelle*
"You're quite annoying...but do realize that I am a Goddess...and your creature, well, your creature has known me by many names. Hecate, Isis, maybe even Durga..."
*With each name, she shifts into the different forms*
*Ivori laughs lightly, her form warping a bit, but not coming down*
"The difference isn't power, it's knowledge...and I know when to do an exorcism if it's needed."
*She steps back, stabilizing herself*
"Anti-Magic can only shield you at such a weak level..." *Her voice warps as well, becoming more and more demonic* "....But it can't prevent me from directly attacking you."
*She winks and then sinks into the ground, the arms disappear, and the sky turns blue again*
*Ivori looks at Annabelle, her annoyance visible on her face.*
"Your friends are below mine..."
*The fists begin to swing, knocking down buildings. Ivori flies higher, out of sight before dive bombing to the ground producing a huge red explosion of magic around her.*
"See where I'm from, we aren't possessed, we possess things."
*Her image flickers, almost like a technological malfunction and in her place stands a tall, dark shadowy being with huge black wings. Red eyes open and she looks down at them, her height being almost 16 ft.*
*Ivori dismisses Annabelle again, this time flicking her finger and sending her flying backwards through a wall. She turns her attention to Toshi*
"Child...you think you have mastered sorcery? Let me show you real magic..*
*Her eyes turn solid red and the sky turns brighter red as blood rain falls from the sky. Ivori begins to chant a spell in Enochian, tongue of the Angels*
"Telocvovim adraman AMA ORS AVAVAGO!"
*Eight portals open around her and giant fists rise out of them, 16 in total. She looks at Toshi, her smile cruel*
"You don't scare me."
*Ivori is hit with the Eldritch energy but simply laughs*
"Nice parlor trick, little one...but this is going to hurt.."
*She turns around and grabs Annabelle by the throat, her magic flaring even brighter before she throws Annabelle to the ground below her. She looks up to see Toshi and wraps her magic around them, levitating them.*
"Come here child..."
*Ivori looks at Annabelle with obvious disdain in her eyes*
"Silly fool, you are but a mere mortal compared to the likes of me*
*She flicks her wrist and one building launches itself at Annabelle*
*Ivori flaps her huge wings, propelling herself into the sky. She screams loudly, her yell echoing across the city. The sky turns red as her magic explodes around her forming the shape of her wings spread.*
*She raises her hands and entire buildings are yanked from the ground and lifted into the air.*
*Ivori sees Toshi and approaches them, her magic concentrating into a small little ball in her hand*
"Toshi...I've dreamed about you."
*She throws her ball at Toshi and it separates into multiple different balls*
*Ivori closes her eyes, flipping her wings out of her armor. She unfolds them slightly, her eyes glowing intensely*
*Ivori lifts another car and throws it again, her red magic tinting the air around her. She smiles wickedly*
(Signing in)
*Ivori, now above ground, uses a Ley Line and materializes in Queens, New York. Her brown eyes scan the crowd around her.*
'Hm....I wonder if I cause havok, what'll happen?'
*She raises her hands and her eyes begin to glow as her magic manifests around her. She lifts a car into the air and throws it through a building.*
(Signing in)
*Ivoriana's eyes open. She's deep within the earth, underground in her hidden chamber of hibernation. Her dark brown eyes begin to glow red as she senses new life above her. Location: Siberia*
@KableHell779 I've been alright. Maybe too quiet. I'm usually on here but I don't speak or upvote anything.