Happy Birthday bro😁
Beyond Dimensional Physiology, Xeno-Psionics,
Nigh-Omnipotence, Nigh-Omniscience,
Nigh-Omnipresence and Absolute Condition.
Xeno-Psionics. Absolute Psionics (Mainstream). Because you can do pretty much everything.
I researched a bit and find out that the celestialsapiens exists in a place outside the universe called the "forge of creation". So I think they fit to be xeno-psi, but this is just my opinion.
I think Absolute Psionics wins. Since Fantasy comes from our imagination so...
Berserker Physiology, i kinda feel an affinity with it.
Aside from Omnipotence :
Nigh-Omnipotence, Omni-Manipulation
and Freedom.
True 👍
Absolute Trascendence. You trascend everything and anything in an instant. Eternal Trascendence. You trascend everything and anything, but it could take an eternity or whatever.
Okay, thanks for your answer.
Absolute. I dont want to have limits on what I can do.
Pan-Dimensional Physiology. I like this one.
Trascendent Physiology
I think it’s more like a form/expression of it. ONLY some users are truly omnipotent, while others are almost omnipotent
Could someone really make a proper update about this power ? There’s people adding and deleting things here and there, but it still looks like a mess.
I’d still drink and eat. For the delicious taste of food 😁
Homelander 💀💀💀