Ancient squid doesn't necessarily mean a battle to the death. Let's play some Smash Bros.
Almighty Power replication in a world full of powers.
I mean....take your pick I have a bunch that would beat him and a few that'd erase him.
If we're all getting powers then power replication. If not then probably telekinesis.
What would I do?
Glad you asked. I'd make a multiversal collage of all fictional universes, or make them all with their separate dimensions and all depending on which works better, then give my best bros super powers, then shunt my powers down a few templates based on my favorite heroes.
What are my limits?
Well for the most part my powers are nigh limitless, but I keep the omnipotence locked in a part of my brain unless absolutely needed, and knowing me I'll be some type of Kryptonian clone so whatever weaknesses come with those powers.
Im definitely giving my brother super speed, and my friends what they ask for
@RyanKraftBR PRAISE THE ULTIPOTENT Ryan...we gotta get you an Ulti-nickname
Ask for three things. The intelligence of Brainiac, powers of a Viltrumite, and the tools to make what I need.
I shall then praise the Ultipotent.