I never fully understood psychic elements manipulation nor what psychic elements can do. Can somebody explain them?
I never fully understood psychic elements manipulation nor what psychic elements can do. Can somebody explain them?
I would look into the future then decide to explore the universe in all of its vastness
Does omnifarious enable users to manipulate the elements through their biofield? Can a person with omnifarious be able to generate bio-light and other bio-elements and bio-energies?
Omni-Element Manipulation is my power. And I choose to be a survivor, so I am in the grey area
Basically what i am asking is...if a character with omnifarious morphs their body into fire, are they able to discharge fire-based abilities such as the flamethrower, fireballs, and fire breath (this goes for any element or energy they morph themselves in)? Does the character also make their own ammunition if they conjure up weapons such as crossbows, shotguns, handguns, etc.
@SecretLoverBomb magma manipulation is a branch of fire and earth manipulation and I would assume it would be like the benders of the Avatar universe, most particularly being fire and earth benders. You know how lava bending has been proven to be mixed with fire and earth bending genes and was only restricted to Avatars and their physical connection to the elements but as Legend of Korra, it is a trait earth benders can unlock though with extremely and careful practice much like Ghazan and Bolin.
So what I am trying to say is...you can not just manipulate the rock of molten magma and leave the "magma" part, so if you manipulate the rock in magma, you will manipulate the whole substance.
I know it's hard to believe but I think that every superpower even the destructive ones (magma and death to name a few) are capable of being used in conventional ways such as boiling water, taking out the trash, or even stopping vehicles but those are just some of the things that come to MY mind when it comes to superpowers and their daily usage. What are your conventional methods that you would use magma manipulation if you were granted with it?
I would be able to detect people as if they were hiding or using paranormal energies to stealthily seek out opponents hiding or underneath objects. I say this because at first I was unsure of what a soul was but now that I have some understanding of it, I can direct you to look at Thanos during Infinity War, more specifically during his battle against Dr. Strange, and even more specific is when Dr. Strange uses clones, who use ropes to bind his arms separately. Dr. Strange had nothing to give himself away to make an easy target for Thanos but he uses the Soul Stone to detect which one was the real one along with the Power Stone to create an omni-directional energy pulse that destroys the clones.
The humanoid werewolf form. I like the human aspect of superhumans, not the animalistic side. If that makes sense.