Hello! I have finished writing the special abilities my characters possess, i will make a second part for this post in another day, there are more 4 characters to go, and i wanna hear your opinion on them! Which of these did u liked the most? or called more your attention? can I do something improve? (not asking which one is the more powerful! ·ᴗ·)
Nano (Aurora "Aurie" Wicker Andraste / Keran)
A human abducted and adopted by superior-technological aliens because of who her family was. As much weaker than the aliens, they implanted nano-machines into her blood, enchancing her condition and strenght, giving her immunity to diseases and also the capability of regenerating and regrow lost limbs by eating or drinking. They put a chip in her neck that allowed her to translate diverse alien languages, and also to control the nanites in her blood through "tough waves" that allow her to make constructs out of nano-machines and blood. She specialized in making a katana out of it. The nanites allow her to change her body to a small degree (like making her hair grow longer or make her hands smaller) and alter her size on her will, being capable of shrinking into even atomic level or growing into giantic scales. If her blood drops into an surface or someone, she can control the size of whatever has it.
Principal powers: Enchanced condition, Disease Immunity, Consumptive regeneration, Language Translation, Nano-active blood, Nanite/ Haemokinetic constructs, Nanite/ Haemokinetic Katana, Katana Mastery, limited Shapeshifting, Size Manipulation
Black Mamba (Josephine "Josie" Kieu Morrigan):
Member of a humanoid alien race, she was abandoned by her family upon a war which would later make her become the last survivor of her race. She was found on earth and became the first subject of her adoptive father experiments to make a superpowered army by using of her DNA, that later would give her an enchanced overall condition, intelligence and strenght. Homever, she lost one of her arms as one of the experiments side effects, her father gave her a robotic arm that could allow her to generate magnetic force-fields from the robotic arm. She has the capability to compress these fields into a blast of magnetic force. She used of her powers to run away with some of her father equipment and became a henchman under the moniker "Black Mamba" while trying to adapt to the humanity
Principal powers: Enchanced Condition type I, Enchanced strength, intelligence and durability, Robotic arm, Magnetic Force Fields, Magnetic blasts, Technological Weapons
Photon (Dyana Guerrero Wilsen)
A humble girl who had to became a professional thief to get money for her infected-with-an-alien-virus granny treatment, stole a expensive-looking bracelet from a mad scientist. Only to find that using the acessory, it transforms into a armor with bizarre technologies. Dyana can use of the technology to gain an array of powers, enchance her strenght and durability, simulate flight via jet propulsion, make phone calls, project holograms and an heads-up display, make new weapons, change some of the shape of the armor for adaptation by controlling nanites and her signature "Photon-Energy Blasts". They're manipulated by her tough waves, like Nano. She uses of this to fight for good, while studying the armor, making enchancements in it, creating new technological gadgets and avoiding being caught by the scientist responsible
Principal powers: High-Tech Exoskeleton, Suit up! (By pressing an jewel in the bracelet, it materializes over her body), Enchanced strenght and Durability, Techno-flight, Phone Signal Transmission, Holographic projection, Heads up Display, Nanite Constructs, Light Energy Attacks
Stinger (Louis Zhao di Mello)
Once a kid with great talent for surf on their local beach, they fell victim to a bee-swarm attack. But thanks to the toxic waste dumped into the water nearby, they inherited strange new mutations and amazing abilities from the bees that attacked they. Louis gained an enchanced overall strenght and the ability to retract pointy, bone-like stingers from their wrists, which they can use to climb surfaces and sting opponents with a deadly venom, inducing paralysis, pain or even death. They can sense the Earth's magnetic field and vibrations use it to navigate, sense danger, illusions and lies, they are also sensitive to electromagnetic waves and can predict the upcoming weather. They discovered they can also manipulate honey (think of the Honey in Space video) and generate it upon eating food. Dyana made wing-like gadgets for they to simulate a bee flight.
Principal powers: Enchanced Strenght, Stinger Protusion, Honey Manipulation, consumptive Honey Generation, Seismic sense, Electromagnetic Vison, Vibration Emmision, Weather sense, Techno-flight
Star Gaze (Victor Yoshida)
An android created by the government that scaped before he could be destructed, given as a failed creation. He can let go and call back parts of his body like head, limbs, ears and fingers, these parts are made of a really strong, almost indestructible metal. He has control over virtual things like malwares, data and even technology itself, to a point he can sense and communicate with ir. He absorbs solar energy as a way of charging himself, he has control over the energy he absorbs, usually using it to project sparkly fireworks used as distraction, or at extreme cases, to make deadly Solar Energy Optical Blasts, altough he is against using it.
Principal powers: Bionic physiology, Encyclopedic knowledge, Anatomical liberation, Data Manipulation, Malware Manipulation, Technology Manipulation, Cyberempathy, Supernatural durability, Solar energy absorption, Solar energy optical blasts, Pyrotechnic projection
Crystal (Kate Willow)
She can control Aether and Nether combinated, they manifest as a chaotical kind of magic she learned to wield that appear in the physical world as purple, crystal-like energy currents that can disrupt, destroy and create matter, she also use of them as a makeshift of light and make dagger-like weapons of them. These essences are linked to telepathic and empathic forces, thus gaining some power over them, specialized in the ability of controlling memories and senses. In counterpart to that, has a weak physical body and fighting skills. Powers can become weaker when feeling negative emotions and boosted when feeling positive emotions
Principal powers: Ethereal manipulation, Ethereal blade retraction, Aether/ Nether magic, Matter transmutation, Empathy, untrained Telepathy, Memory Manipulation, Sense manipulation, Time manipulation
Kore (Kore Willow)
As the crown princess of an mythical and ancient important kingdom, a powerful but bad intended mage with heavy influence over atmosphere bestowed her a kind of symbiotic magical force that powered they, so when she became the queen, they could possess her and rule over the kingdom with tyranny. These plans were disrupted after her cousin powers accidentaly transported both through time to the modern era, where she faces the strange new technology and evil beyond imagining. Her powers manifested as an abnormal type of strenght, as well as the control over weather and it's aspects, she can manipulate the air, make it hot and cold, control eletricity and also water. They are magical in origin but she never learned magic, rather focusing more on physical and raw strenght
Principal powers: Supernatural strenght type IV, Weather symbiosis, untrained Weather magic, Weather manipulation, Thermal control, Eletricity control, Water control, Air control, Combatant
Sapphire (Soren Rocha)
An aspiring scientist, genius prodigy boy discovered not only about his adoption, but that he hails from a long line of sorceress that used to protect the reality from supernatural evil. Inheriting magical powers and natural affinity to magic from his biological mother, he decided to carry on the mantle of the "Sapphire Witches" becoming the first male sorcerer in his lineage, a very clumsy sorcerer that is still learning about the mystic arts. He usually cast improvised and verbal spells. He has mastered the ability to make a fiery, sparkly whip of blue eletrical-like currents he uses for defensive means, use doors as portals and to communicate between mirrors
Principal powers: Mystic human physiology, Magical blood, Magic Intuition, Adaptive Magic, improvised Spell casting, Magic whip, Door Projection, Mirror communication
Leader of the group.