95 Votes in Poll
Can these powers be from the wiki?
Bruce was granted omnipotence with restrictions by nigh-omnipotence bestowal
Might not like how they know and have experienced the most horrible things
Someone suddenly knowing everything and experiencing everything might be very hard to endure though.
95 Votes in Poll
Yes it can be. The Presence (the ultimate Creator of DC Multiverse),had an anti god counterpart. Even though Lucifer destroyed it's anti god counterpart.
Definitely pain inducement
And can I try again because I didn't know some rules
@Leona The 7th could you know tell me why?
Although I would like to know what I did wrong
Name: Chris Harfiel
Alias: The Smasher
Alignment: Neutral/Good (seldom)
Appearance: 6"1 ft, weighs around 178 pounds, wears a sweatshirt and long jeans.
Age: 27
Personality: Calm, clever and kind although he's kind of ruthless when he fights crime and might brutalize his opponents sometimes,he also can't change his opinion easily.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual (Currently in Heterosexual relationship but had a crush on a boy when he was younger)
Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Physics professor at university/Vigilante
Rank/Threat Level: A or B
Weapons/Paraphernalia: sharp and long glass objects like shields or swords
Ability: Glass Manipulation
Classification: 2nd gen endogenic
Description: He can manipulate all types of glass around him. He can make weapons with it and even create an armor which gives him superhuman strength. He can make glass way tougher too and even sometimes impossible to break. He also can create glass out of sand instantly. Also his veins have traces of glass inside them (that's why his powers are endogenic)
Skills: Impressive leadership, high intelligence (121 IQ),knows 6 languages (English, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese and French), athletic build and great engineer.
Due to the glass in his vains,he can't be in the sun for too long, diseases transferred by sun are much worse for him than a normal person.
Seldom,He has no control of him glass powers and might get out of hand
He has some type of blood disease (thankfully not so bad) and needs frequent blood tests to make sure everything's fine.
Backstory (Optional): He was born into a well off family with good reputation. His father was a neurosurgeon,his mother a scientist and his older sister a businesswoman running a successful company. Though his family had a bless and a curse they had glass (He and his mother) or Rocks (His father and sister) in their blood. Making them powerful but vulnerable to some diseases. All of his family were also vigilantes.
Extra Info:
He is from Ireland
Despite being only 27 he is one of the best physics professors at the University he works.
His ruthless behavior against criminals might leave some broken bones or even kill them
Theme (Optional): N/A
Ok how much time do I have
Do we get another chance because I didn't read the info posts above to know?
Name: Nicholas Lyns
Alias: The Illusionist
Alignment: Bad
Appearance: (I don't have an image so I'll describe). He is 1.89 meters tall and weighs 82 killos. He has dark short hair not a lot and thin hair. His eyes are brown. His clothing varies but his most common is black suit,black formal trousers with a tie.
Age: 41
Personality: He is a megalomaniac,a narcissist. He thinks he is greater being than others due to his powers and high intelligence. His main personal goal is to be omnipotent and rule over existence. He does everything to get what he desires even if it might risk his allies' lifes. He is pretty sadistic and extremely ruthless. He also doesn't take rejection easily.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual with Asexual tendencies (He doesn't and doesn't really care to get a partner but he used to be in love with a girl)
Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: former journalist, current professional criminal
Rank/Threat Level: High/Very High (Depends)
Weapons/Paraphernalia: Submachine Guns,pistols (Even though he doesn't always use weapons)
Ability: Illusion Manipulation (and it's applications)
Classification: 1st or 2nd class, endogenic
Description: Nicholas's ability allows him to create, manipulate and control illusions. He always uses his powers to control free will. For example, he created an illusion that he was a muscular, extremely beautiful,clever and rich guy just to seduce a woman. His powers mostly show horrible things and in some occasions he managed to get people to lose their sanity.
Skills: Very intelligent person, extremely good to hand to hand combat, very agile and a very skillful leader
His mentality can be easily broken
Users of Illusion invulnerability aren't affected by his powers
His narcissist behavior and constant need for power make him not to think logically and don't allow him to learn and expand his powers
He sometimes uses his powers to create an illusion of a better life of him making him ignore reality.
Backstory (Optional): He comes from a poor family and he was constantly bullied because of that he learnt about his illusion powers at the age of 10 and used them to make others and him believe his life was great. After he grew up he started to think that due to his powers he is better than anyone else and began to develop a narcissist behavior.
Extra Info:
His is a Mexican
He was born in Seattle,USA
Theme (Optional): N/A
Yeah I know about that but would you rather have your own body or be spirit that can possess people
NAME: Anne-Marie Colman
CODENAME: The Vengeance
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (She acts for good but she is pretty ruthless sometimes)
POWERS: Psionics (Though sometimes it might become cosmic psionics)
BIOLOGY: 1.75 height,56 Kg,straight long brown hair, green eyes
Age & Identity: 24 years old, Heterosexual, Scorpio
Occupation: Lawyer
Personality: She's brave, sympathetic and nice towards her friends though she is very opinionated and often argues with them. Even though she might be cold towards them deep down she loves them and cares about them. On the other hand, she is ruthless and sometimes might kill her enemies her anger and need for revenge are the main reasons she usually fights with her friends. But she can accept her mistakes and learn from them.
Love status: Single
Origin: Half American - Half Egyptian
Background/Heroes origin: Her parents were mutants and had powers like her they were criminals on a small town in New Mexico until Jessica Lans - Colman (her mother) became pregnant with twins they decided to stop their life of crime and migrated to Manchester in UK. Though when Anne-Marie was 11 and was at a school trip. Her parents' former boss found them and killed them and her twin sister. When she returned and found them dead,she became so angry that she killed the men who were responsible (this is when he discovered her powers). 7 years later she found and killed the man who got her family killed and learnt about what her parents did before she and her sister were born. She became a lawyer to defend innocent people and she also became The Vengeance,a ruthless anti-hero part of a team of other mutants. Her goal is to protect the world by either putting in jail or killing criminals and avenge for her sister's death (she also wants to avenge her parents' death but on a smaller extend due to them being criminals)
Due to her tragedy she had she can be easily mentally manipulated and/or abused.
Her anger can sometimes make her stop thinking logically.
Rarely she is unable to control her power (when it becomes cosmic psionics)
Hobbies (Aside from crime fighting)
She loves Motorcycling
She is an expert at martial arts
She is very fast and loves running
93 Votes in Poll