(Signing in where are we)
"I don't know where he is but I wouldn't tell you anyways"
"Deus looked at the figure and back at hyku and syanon"
"Hi Hyku and Syanon"
"Hi I'm Deus I live around this area"
*Deus see's two people in the distance and approaches them* "Hello"
*Deus made his way around the same area as Hyku and Syanon*
(Yea I'm just reading what happened so far and finding a way to fit in)
@Cresxatr Yea I know all of yags ocs recycled same abilities different faces
Deus Machina Veritas
God of Knowledge, God of Ideas, God of Creativity, God of Prophecy, Prophet of the Gods
•He usually has a laid back personality and likes to observe situations as the god of knowledge he is always curious and pokes in places he shouldn't be.
Gender Male
Supernatural Condition
•Type III: Near an Absolute Condition. Arguably the greatest mind in their verse, strong enough to move skyscrapers or even planets with incalculable strength, fast enough to move at (or beyond) light-speed, and invulnerable to virtually all physical harm.
Intelligence Infinitum
•User has a continuously increasing intellect which can grow and adapt without any apparent limit. Their intellect increases every moment and allows them to solve difficult problems given they have the time to have their intellect increase to a sufficient level for necessary comprehension.
Encyclopedic Knowledge
•The user possesses a vast amount of information and knowledge on all things, they have innate encyclopedic knowledge of science, the universe, magic, psionics, mechanics/technology, literature, history, etc. All information and knowledge whether natural or supernatural can be fully understood with this ability. As the knowledge is innate, no study or experience is necessary.
The user can acquire more knowledge by supernatural means (magic, psionics, etc.) to add to their already vast knowledge. The amount and the limit of knowledge possessed varies by user: a low level user may only have mastery of a single field whereas a high level user may achieve Cosmic Awareness, Hyper-Cosmic Awareness or even Nigh Omniscience.
•The user can gain information about a person, object, place, skillset, ability, or event through intrinsic knowledge, as in it just "comes to" the user's mind. In addition, users could psychically perceive information from past and future events or locations currently beyond mental or sensory range. Furthermore, they could acquire knowledge from disembodied spirits and other extradimensional entities, wherein enables them to translate other biological senses into a cognitive equivalent. This power may even allow a user to receive changes to (i.e. language, memory, judgement).
Akashic Plane Manipulation
•The user can manipulate the akashic plane, one of the seven planes of existence, which governs knowledge and everything related to it. This allows them to learn whatever they wish and obtain knowledge from nowhere. It is possible that with time, the user of this can learn nearly everything.
Buddhaic Plane Manipulation
•The user can manipulate the buddhaic plane of understanding and becoming one with everything, one of the seven planes of existence.
This will allow the user to empathize with their surroundings, understand and interpret others emotions, as well as controlling them, discern distant places/people with one’s mind. The user will eventually reach the point of Enlightenment, true understanding the universe and finally, Unity by becoming one with everything.
Physical Plane Manipulation
•The user can control the physical plane, one of the seven main planes of existence, which allows them to conjure and manipulate all forms of energy, including sound, light, plasma, quantum and thermal. This can also allow the user to alter reality, manipulate space and time, control matter and even the art of alchemy.
Imagination Manifestation
•User can bring any material, being or tool originating from their imagination into existence and literally bring their wildest ideas into reality.
•He can't control when his Claircognizance is activated so the knowledge gained happens unexpectedly.
•Isnt able to control what type of knowledge is gained.
•His Claircognizance overload the conscious mind without regulation.
•His soul is still vulnerable unlike his body
•Knowledge doesn't necessarily equal skill or experience.
Extra Info
What stranger
His salary is endless
Can I join i slay immortals???
It's cool
Oh well ill try to find something
The 2nd or 4th