Humanity. How would I describe them. Having seen wars and battles, the killing of my comrades on the field of space. HM (High-Mass) rounds punching through hulls, vacating the inhabitants into the very field they fight upon. Generals employing the tactics of glassing worlds, or using psionic cleansing to clear the world of Sentients. Still, that pales in comparison to the sheer sickening threat humanity holds. They have us at Gunpoint, and they do not even realize it.
It started when we first received a scrambled radio pulse for a couple of seconds. All we could ascertain about the pulse was that it was of Manufactured origin. The High Conclave quickly decided to send out an “Observers None Interaction” act, declaring the World to be off limits, that is until they have complete control of their Planet, and their Moon. This is to first help any sentient species get use to the idea of space travel, and to make sure that the species did not think of us as Gods. While it made the joining of the Galactic community Slow, the System was protected from events that may impede the advancements of the species. As the galactic community observed the System, dubbed Sol by the Humans themselves, the employed Psions, the ones working for the high conclave, were told to search through the minds of the world, and learn there recent History. As it turns out, the world had just experienced another world wide war… another? This was not usual, and seemed to be common place within most sentient species within the galaxy, but it was rare to have two. Things seemingly calmed down, that is until Tribes started to fight again, and Nuclear Testing was being done. Many of the Representatives apart of the High Conclave thought that the Humans, as we figured that’s what they were named, would blow themselves to kingdom-come, and they almost did, but not one had been launched, even under threats of war. It was during one of these wars that Humanity achieved space flight, and then, shortly after, managed to Land on the moon. This new Species was advancing incredibly rapidly, giving it the title of the youngest discovered Sentients to achieve space flight. This paired with the fact that there planet was on the heavier side of what was thought possible for a species to become space faring. This did make there Stature Quite short, but there strength, abnormal for there size. While they were not the shortest of all Sentients, they were below the average. Despite this, like many in our Galactic Community, they, as a species, had very little natural weapons and defenses, making them quite susceptible to damage upon there posterior against attacks from other native species on there planet, witch at times were much larger and much more dangerous than a lone human, yet, despite everything seemingly being stacked against them, Humans seemed to lack the ability to… whats the phrase? Oh, “Give Up”. Every sentient, until the humans knew there limit, and knew that when they reached it, that they could go no longer, and thus, if they faced an obstacle that matched or surpassed them in there ability, they would often times just go home, or let whatever was to happen, happen. This also reduced a rare and dangerous trait among the species, a trait named by Humans as Stress, witch seemingly cause paranoia, panic, and other such reactions within the humans, along with early death. Humans, though, ignored all of that, and when pushed to there limit, something seemed to break inside of them, allowing for the Human to go further, and further, and further. It was extordinary, and frightening. Many of the Conclave Members were afraid that they may wage war against the Galaxy, and if given the technology and the time, become a threat upon the community.
That is, until Humanity reached space.