I'd just keep it simple and learn to control my mind/imagination then just use it for my own benefit, I'd change my appearance and physical weaknesses/strengths to something I prefer such as not getting overweight and hardwire myself to not be scared of anything, then I will just continue living through life taking on its many hardships only changing stuff a little bit so I dont attract too much attention even erasing the memories (With me) of people that get close to my real nature. I'd also localise my powers into one area as to avoid hurting others by accident making an entire new dimension to toy with, form a new race, realise their arms are too small to pray to me, throw a rock at them and make a new race, the race has some opinions I dont agree with so I take a piss on it, let them replenish and learn from their mistakes, pretend to have a son through a virgin, have him do miracles and show stuff that goes against traditional practices, son gets crucifed and dies for everyones sins, I disappear and watch the chaos enfold, repeat