11 Votes in Poll
11 Votes in Poll
54 Votes in Poll
44 Votes in Poll
34 Votes in Poll
Hey guys i'm Opfan33, the guy who Made Blackgrave. Sorry if she brought doubts, I didn't think very much about the assasin/honor contrast, but I thank my good friend RyanKraftBr for making good changes. But besides this, what did you fellas though about her?
56 Votes in Poll
Holy shit. I never expect to be lucky but damm! I am a illusion God!
Alright dude. I am going with 3.
60 Votes in Poll
110 Votes in Poll
118 Votes in Poll
Hey old pal, Can you give me some?
Name: Samuel Drakeson
Alias: Drake
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant (don't change that!)
Power Level Classification: Omega-level
Birthplace/Nationality: Brazil
Occupation: Scientist/ Comics translator.
Affiliation: None
Appearance: (note: some mutants can have unusual features that may distinguish them from human-like mutants. If you want, you can do that to your recently mutated body)
Monster form:
Powers and Abilities:
Supernatural body(type 3)
Ultimate regeneration(level 1)
Reactive adaptation
Natural weaponry
Enhanced senses
telepathic resistance
Berserker rage.
Weaknesses: Can enter in a feral state if the form is used too much(maximum 3 hours), not being able to tell friend from foe.
Silver weapons can make his healing factor slower
Backstory (optional):
Samuel was a normal biomedical scientist and comic book fan until one day he suffered a car accident that triggered his transformation in order to survive. Since then he decided to use this "curse" as a force for good, while fighting many danger in the way, especially an evil corporation called Codex that constantly hunts him.
What I'll do:
I will travel around the world helping as much as i can, while trying to completely dominate the beast within me and take down anyone who endangers me and innocent lives.
Other Information (optional):
Marvel: https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/The_Champion_of_the_Universe
DC: https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Owlman_(Post-Crisis)
What you'd do with their powers?
Damm i would have so much fun. Strenght and speed capable of matching the likes of Thor and a genius intelligence and martial art skill capable of rivaling the likes of Batman? Hell yeah!
Hey Dude! what are my powers?
137 Votes in Poll
Honestly it could go either way.
Each one have a ability that can counter each other.
Miles has speed, Midoriya has strength, Midoriya has danger sense, Miles had spider sense, Midoriya has black whip, Miles has his webs etc.
But i am going with Miles in this. His invisibility could give a edge to him(before you say deku danger sense, know that even spider man(peter parker) had difficulties with Miles camouflage), and his venom strikes are capable of damaging the nervous system of others, and considering that Miles superior speed he could hit midoriya way more times than Midoriya could hit him, and also considering Miles took beatings from heavy hitters like Rhino and Venom proofs he could survive a smash. And dont forget that Miles has way more experience with his powers than Midoriya has with his multiple quirks.
So anyway spider boy for win.
Hyperborean for sure.
Lifespan of 1000 years is great and solar empowerement is a awesome power.