Maybe create a character sheet like I did ? Start small, lay down the key informations (name, appearence, abilities, personality, goals, etc.) ? I remember a friend once joking that my humongous sheet used to be just one picture and two powers ^ ^
That would offer some solid basis for discussions, while centralizing the exchange to keep track of ideas for future update, like I did with mine.
Character Sheets are simply blogs that were categorized accordingly for clarity and recognition, so the format is totally free and you can write them however you want ^ ^
The coding of the SPW has changed quite a bit since my time though, so I can't offer much help with the infoboxes (the part at the beginning of the sheets with pictures and key personal informations).
Best ask some active contributors on the Wiki, since the infoboxes for characters were originally derived from those used for power pages, they should be able to show you the ropes so you may soon create your own custom version.
I definitely recommand creating a character sheet for him too, it's a very practical and motivating way to shape the character, their capabilities and narrative evolution, with a direct connection to the SPW and its wealth of supernatural inspirations so you may better illustrate what they can do and how, with an easy access for potential readers and their valuable feedbacks.
Have fun ! And feel free to ask if you need anything, after spending so much time on mine I probably have most of the answers ^ ^
It's a deal then ^ ^ It would be best to discuss the character on the sheet's comment section though, so I may keep track of the ideas shared and potentially use them for future updates (many of them were the direct result of this brainstorming approach).
All downsides and imitations can indeed be handwaved away, but this easy shortcut tends to nullify any narrative dynamic. As explained above (in the second paragraph of my second post about Arcanepotence), I imagine some users with both high emotions (prone to cause trouble) and high moral standards (big on responsibility) would prefer to own up to their mistakes rather than shrug them away and go on as normal, and it is this humble approach of almighty power centered on empathy and accountability that could be a fertile ground for compelling stories, by creating a more genuine and balanced relationship between the user and the world's inhabitants.
I hadn't thought about Author Authority's downsides due to the sheer power-level and transcendence of the power drawing all the attention (one of the few powers making you effectively Omnipotent in a very relatable way), but it's true that the immeasurable gap between you and everyone else may eventually be experienced as a great loneliness if you're not really into godhood and desire more genuine/horizontal relationships.
I suppose you could just "write it off" from your mind and never be bothered again, but it's the kind of transcendent shortcut that we as humans cannot empathize with, making it not that much of a solution.
Fictional Lordship definitely sounds like immense fun, in an even more relatable way than Autority Authority, since it is centered on the perspective of readers rather than writers, capitalizing on the myriad fictional wonders already created instead of having to create it all yourself ^ ^
Couldn't Arcanepotence fix all the damage caused during emotional powers as soon as you calm down and get a hold of yourself ? Though it wouldn't change the fact that it did happen, and being very emotionally inclined I imagine the user would carry a real guilt for having failed/hurt their creations. They may allow them to remember what happened as penance for the wrongs done, and perhaps even submit to the judgment of their creations, accepting their sentence with great dignity and humility, walking a more human path from there on and learning to be a better person, both for their sake and their creations'.
Man, I sense great storytelling potential here ^ ^
Thank you very much ^ ^
Absorbing Replication does most of the heavy lifting, but without the perfect transportation and limitless travel offered by Planeswalking, your progress would be far slower and your long-term options much more restricted, which is really bad when you live forever. Together though, they complete each other just perfectly, forming a combo that I have come to see as the Holy Grail of superpowers XD
I would certainly love to talk about the character if you're interested :) I haven't really updated the sheet in over a year now (despite having quite a few reworks on the way), and I sense an opportunity to replenish my spirit and finally get things done ^ ^
The problem with Omnipotence as understood on the SPW is that it can do literally anything without any limit, so the very notion of downside is completely alien to it, in a way that makes the power drastically disconnected from relatable human experiences.
Absorbing Replication offers virtually unlimited applications when pushed to its logical conclusion, but in a meaningful and motivating way, as it requires on one hand the gathering of empirical data (what I call "templates") and then their breakdown, modification and reengineering into countless new ones that will optimally serve your purposes, your understanding and options expanding geometrically along your travels and discovery, and on the other hand it requires the gathering of vast amounts of raw material that will allow you to give all this abstract potential physical existence, converting and remaking any kind of resources into the finished products you previously elaborated in your mind, making it the perfect all-purpose recycling system.
In other words, it is a very creating and constructive ability by its very nature, with ideal limitations that only fuel your desire to explore, learn, grow and create.
That, and the power offers an inherently perfect offense/defense on a physiological level, so you will never know fear as nothing can harm you and any interaction only makes you stronger and greater, so you can be eternally relaxed and just enjoy away ^ ^
Planeswalking on the other hand offers you endless new realms to discover, enjoy, learn and build from, so that your growth and aventures may go on literally forever.
Together, they do seem to be a near-perfect long-term combo, which is why I made them my character's quintessential nature, being the personification of perfect AR/PL.
It was Absorbing Replication + Planeswalking for me (perfect version), which I ended up building my main character sheet around. All the tools and insurances you need in a very personal and journey-friendly way ^ ^
What are the key factors that guide your search for the right ablities for your character ? What specifically are you looking for in them ?
Thank you again, my friend :)
My creating days are now behind me (they were driven by a quest for the perfect long-term ability/combo, that I found quite while ago and built my main sheet around), but I remember them very fondly and remain a big fan of cool powers with sharp style and sound logic ^ ^
Thank you very much :) I'm a huge dreamer, and created quite a few almighty powers in my time (notably the ones mentioned above), so I'm pretty familiar with their various pros and cons ^ ^
You're very welcome ^ ^ Almighty powers are definitely the best part of fantastic fiction, this sense that anything is within your grasp no matter how impossible it may seem.
My almighty favs have been pretty stable over the years : Meta Probability Manipulation for this "shaper of fate" and "sculptor of reality" divine artistry that is comptabilible with theoretical science and the ever-changing nature of reality, Causality Manipulation that is similarly science-friendly while offering a more direct and radical approach to ultimate power and also being its own source/justification in a way that is difficult to argue with, and Boundary Manipulation that I always saw as a fantasy counterpart to CM : similarly all-powerful and all-encompassing, but focused on limitless wonder and exploration.
What I meant previously is that conceptual powers are defined by the ability to turn pure ideas into realities, which is a massive shortcut compared to all the thinking and legwork required for more tangible powers to achieve comparable results. On one hand it makes things a lot easier, which is always appreciable, but on the other it has a tendency to makes the results less satisfying (unearned) and enduring (created with a thought, removed with another).
That is why I ultimately settled for perfect Absorbing Replication + Planeswalking : it offers all the tools you need to achieve your dreams in a tangible, logical and step-by-step way, and access to unlimited new places for long-term growth and prosperity.
From what I understand, Omniarch is a statement of status rather than a concept of its own, and as such tends to lack style and identity (similarly to Omnipotence, whose many flavored expressions are usually a lot more interesting).
I generally have a hard time wrapping my head around conceptual powers, as they are inherently disconnected from reality and all the grounding references that come with it, which are necessary components to make sense of a character, its abilities and journey.
In the case of Conceptual Lordship, I imagine it would be best to start off with the manipulation of a specific concept the character vibes with, and gradually expand his abilities to neighboring concepts while also increasing his mastery of them, and slowly transitioning from manipulation to physiology, eventually culminating with Conceptual Lordship as we know it.
With powers like this one that essentially grant you everything on a silver plate, it is the process/journey to get there that would logically make the backbone of the story, as once you reach its full-power and everything becomes achievable with the merest thought, there isn't much left to write about.
From what I understand, "Lordship" goes beyond manipulation, they are physiological abilities that makes you one with the power. And since concepts are the metaphysical foundation and essence of reality, and Conceptual Lordship grants you complete power and master over all concepts, that means you both rule and encompass all things on a fundamental level, making you a primordial, all-powerful and invincible existence.
Among all the many almighty abilities, this is one of the powers that feel the most divine in and of itself, as only the most transcendent deities could reasonably have it, typically the supreme one of the setting.
Thank you Necro ! Hope you had a great one too ^ ^
"Eternal and completely invincible" ? I don't see it mentioned on the page, but considering the nature of the power it's an accurate description, as it makes you a primordial and all-encompassing existence that embodies and rules everything at the most foundamental level, so defeat are death and inherently impossible.
Of all the expressions of Omnipotence, it's one of the simplest and most complex at the same time, and definitely one of the most fascinating.
Definitely one of the worst possible scenari ^ ^;
That would likely be a God is Evil scenario of the worst kind, since such Evil God isn't just the absolute ruler of reality but also its inescapable foundation, making it a completely hopeless nightmare.
Worse yet, its tormented inhabitants would come out terribly twisted by a lifetime of such treatment, and each new Dreamer would become the Evil God of their own hellish Reality, which would lead to countless more, so on and so forth, infinitely and forever.
So yeah, as promising as the concept may be, it comes with a razor-sharp double edge ^ ^;
How much better the world would be mostly depends on how good a person each Dreamer is, as the lifetime of service through which Dreamer status is gained can vary quite a lot depending of how well the world's inhabitants are treated in the meantime.
That's particularly true on a statistical level : since each new Dreamer gets a Reality worth of people under their power/care, and each of them individually gets another Reality worth of people down the line, so on and so forth, no matter how many people ascend, at any given time the overwhelming majority will always completely depend on the good graces of an extremely small minority, who may or may not be decent people.
Everyone reaching Reality Dreamer status as reward for a lifetime of service is virtually perfect on a global scale both in terms of personal happiness and existential justice, hence my summing it up as "universal perfection" ^ ^
At this level we are beyond utopian society and straight into universal perfection, but yes it's something I would really look forward to as well ^ ^