Thing is, if you actualize toy soldiers, they may not technically be "toy soldiers" anymore, strictly speaking. By actualizing them (from toys into actual soldiers) you might lose the ability to manipulate them with the first ability- simply because the required identity no longer applies to them. For this reason, this is a somewhat unpredictable, possibly volatile combo.
I think Wayne is the obvious choice here (with respect to the power I got).
What was going through my mind?
Well since I had been asleep when this all started, my first reaction was probably no reaction, followed by confusion, then panic for a while, then confusion again, then tentative excitement once I started to suspect that what was happening might be a good thing.
What abilities did I gain?
The reality energy fused with my own bio-energy and in doing so gave me:
When this occurred, the reality energy collapsed every facet of my being into an instance of pure consciousness, unlimiting the form I was able to reconstruct for myself and granting me
My interface allows me to interact with anything directly, but my abilities are geared towards understanding and leveraging the nature of reality, meaning I have
With these abilities I am able to perceive, comprehend, and utilize the forces, patterns, and principles by which reality organizes itself; that is- the order behind reality.
How do I feel about these kinds of powers?
Reality based powers is one of my favorite categories to be honest. I didn’t even include most of my favorite abilities from this category in my response, but I’m still satisfied with the set here. That should make apparent how cool I find this kind of ability.
What now?
Well, my approach with this is that reality has basically “tasked” me with maintaining order within it. That it made me into what I now am because it needed something, in this case someone, that could identify, understand, and effectively respond to the natural order of reality, and to disruptions thereof. Basically, I’m The Doctor from Wildstorm Comics or Professor Paradox from Ben 10. So, I would be doing whatever that entails.
@Necropolis00 I guess it just seems to fit a reality warper in an amusing way, ya know? Quantum Immortality in practice would probably look a lot like reality going out of its way to protect the user, since your always occupying the one in which you survive every event. It would basically be Deus Ex Machina after Deus Ex Machina. For example, I fall from a great height and live because in this universe there just happened to be something to catch me before I hit the ground or cushion my fall. Somebody tries to shoot me and in this universe the gun just happens to fall apart or jam at that exact moment. Something about that just seems to fit a reality warper, especially because it would lend itself to an even-keeled disposition. I’d always be calm and ready to crack a joke no matter how insane the circumstances, because I would know that things would kind of just work out for me no matter what I do. Not to mention, quantum immortality adds a little bit of unpredictability to the avoidance of death— I never know exactly how or why I’ll survive an otherwise deathly scenario until it all plays out. Little surprises like that probably go a long way for someone capable of controlling reality itself.
In general? Absolute Life Force. To complement reality warping? Quantum Immortality
God would like a word lmao
I would say Sherlock, because I think he’s the best detective here, but I think Batman’s access to various resources and tech more than closes the gap
Knight and Robot is basically Pelinal Whitestrake from the especially wild corners of Elder Scrolls Lore
Love this question! This is an ever changing list, but it's current form looks something like this:
Diverse Interface
Diverse Interface is definitely high up on this list. It's easily one of my favorite varieties of reality manipulation, due in no small part to the relative precision it carries; rather than warping anything, you usually exert a very particular influence on reality, and watch the world shape itself around the result of that interaction. I like the idea of it being like tuning into the existential frequency of a given subject of reality, and from there learning how to influence that frequency. My understanding of this ability suggests that it rewards experimentation, and carries with it a great deal of discovery. Growing in power with this ability amount to learning to use your "interface" in novel, more grand and/or skillful ways. It seems a lot like learning an instrument, actually. That makes existence itself a symphony, and I like the sound of that.
Life-Force Manipulation:
The idea of there being an animating force or energy flowing through existence is a pervasive one, and being able to manipulate this force within and without yourself is seriously cool. It confers nearly limitless potential, with freaking superpower manipulation being a possible application. Not to mention, Life-Force Warping is another one of my favorite variations of reality manipulation; weaving your personal life-force into the fabric of reality and learning to manipulate it as an extension of yourself is super cool, and it certainly doesn't hurt that L-FW has Diverse Interface listed as an application lol.
Neuro-Psychic Manipulation:
Honestly, see the movie Lucy for an explanation on this one. Not that she had this ability exactly, but I think the movie nonetheless does a pretty good job of showing what it might look like in practice.
What's not to love about this one? Not only could you freely explore entirely foreign realms, but it seems like this might also afford you the ability to mind/dream walk, and surf the various layers of our own reality, like the Akashic Records or the Astral Plane. Sign me up!
Order Manipulation/Magic:
I know I'm in the minority here, but I've long felt like Order Manipulation/Magic is as cool if not cooler than it's chaotic counterparts, with it involving the ability to perceive the underlying patterns responsible for organizing reality, and allowing the user to do some (or a lot) of organizing of their own, with primary reference to the existing processes guiding reality in its current form. Whereas chaos manipulation and magic seems to be more geared towards forcefully disregarding (often very destructively) the fundamental structure, nature, and flow of reality in itself and replacing it with volatile manifestations of the user's own will, these abilities are, in contrast, more about glimpsing, comprehending, and leveraging those fundamentals to your benefit, and potentially the benefit of all. Again, sign me tf up!
I would say not quite. Let’s say an omnipotent being could override the control that the autopotent being exerts over itself. In this case, the second being in question wouldn’t really be autopotent, because they don’t have supreme and limitless power over themselves; after all, it can be overridden by someone or something else. Let’s instead say that the omnipotent being could NOT override the autopotent being’s control over itself. Well then in this case, the first being wouldn’t truly be omnipotent, because there is something it simply can’t do, a very real ability is just doesn’t have. Perhaps more importantly, there is a being in existence capable of denying its will and power, if only in ways which pertain to itself.
This demonstrates that you could theoretically have a nigh-omnipotent being and a truly autopotent being, or a truly omnipotent being and a nigh-autopotent being, but not the true and absolute versions of both simultaneously.
It’s like an undeniable force vs an immovable object; you can only really have one or the other, because something has to happen when they meet, and no conceivable outcome of that meeting preserves the authenticity of their supposed properties
To be honest, if I can already manipulate time, space, matter, energy, life and death, then magic seems a tad superfluous to me. Like, practically any ability afforded to me by magic is one that is almost certainly already afforded to me through one or more of the other six
Definitely going with The Ancient One from Doctor Strange.
I’m a little late to the party but I went with the path of growth and got:
@Mr.Interest that’s an interesting point. I’ll admit, that line of reasoning crossed my mind when I was writing my original comment, but it seemed to me at the time that in every real life example we could refer to, every exercise of the intellect is ultimately in service of emotion in some way. That is to say, at least in humans, that certain actions could certainly be sensible purely in light of logic and reason, but only if their outcomes serve more fundamental desires, or at the very least instinctual drives which themselves manifest as desires.
Of course, this relationship between emotion and desire may not hold in every conceivable case. For instance, we could imagine a robot piloted by an emotionless artificial intelligence that operates solely based on logical principles to maximize certain parameters determined by its base programming. In this case, we could say it might be “motivated” towards certain actions insofar as those actions are logically justified based on the likelihood that they will maximize those parameters. Here, it is at least conceivable that no emotion ever need enter the equation. If said actions included faking emotions, then we have exactly the scenario asked about in this post.
I suppose in my original comment I was overly restricting the spectrum of possible contexts within which motivation can exist. I was also operating under the misconception that motivation is itself necessarily an emotion, when in reality it is any driver of behavior in an agentive system. Thanks for correcting me!
The “if they wanted to” part is kind of the crux of the issue here. Want, or desire, is an emotional sort of thing. Yes, if they wanted to fake emotions there’s nothing to prevent them from doing so per se, but with an all-encompassing apathy they would never, could never, want to do so, because they are incapable of wanting anything whatsoever in the first place. They effectively can’t fake emotions simply because doing so would require a motivation towards that action, and emotional motivation of any kind is precisely that which they are completely incapable of (in my understanding).
I think I’ve got a chance with Chaotic Arts
Great thing about mystical or supernatural powersets is that the way they work can be ambiguous or unknown on purpose. That’s tends to be how supernatural things work: they just do, but few, if any, really understand how.
Oh for sure. I mean, Psionics is such a nebulous type of superpower that you can theoretically do just about anything and call it Psionics. That said, light and energy are perfectly on brand for Psionics. Often times Psionic powers are depicted as effectively being a form of energy manipulation, and in various media the use of psychic powers is frequently accompanied by an emanation of light.
This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise either. It’s worth considering is that the brain is basically an electrical circuit. While the precise nature of the brain’s relationship to the mind isn’t understood, it’s beyond clear that there is one. For this reason, it’s not in appropriate to theorize that the mind itself may be some sort of electromagnetic construct. I say all of this because light is, after all, just electromagnetic radiation, and may therefore naturally emanate from an especially powerful mind.
On the other hand, you could also go for a less scientific, more mystical/supernatural take on psionics, in which case light and energy are really no less out of place.