Name guenever huchki (goo-en-ev-ear. Hutch-key)
Alias the good doctor ,doctor huchki
Alighnment lawful neutral
Team human
Appearance plain light brown hair with a long black lab coat with a pattern of gray dots running along his body with a large spot on his palm arched asses and a shiny blue eye shinning threw his glasses
Species cyborg
Age 23
Personality Perseverance is clearly a trait of his as he does not backdown unless there is no other option and slightly eccentric when speaking of robotics
Gender male
Pronouns him he
Sexuality none he is not the lover type
Occupation engineer and cybernetic professor
Goals to surpass the current plateau of human kind and rise to a new evolution level
Weapons and paraphernalia a small library in a poker dimensional backpack along with large amounts engineering supplies and materials
Power source mana of the world and mana engine on spinal cord
Powers multiple cybernetic enhancement including energy cannons on palms and feet that allow for temporary flight reinforced bone and tissue a eye that analyzes a opponents attacks and how it is done and what it does although it has limits poures meant to suck up mana from the air a backup life support system on his spinal cord that also acts as a engine extendable blades and grappling hooks in his fingers (upgrades may take place in the rp)
Fighting style drags out a fight for his mechanical eye to perform a analysis on the enemy’s attacks then surveys his options and to disguise this he fires beams and hooks rocks to throw in the meantime to aid this he has many animal strategies that he has analyzed
Techniques finger rays, multi bunch lil beams ,hook blood seeker ,omega death beam, fly style, wolf style, tiger style ,electric restraints
Weaknesses anti-magic could threaten his life and puts him in a lot of pain extreme temperatures can hurt his robotic enhancements from working and put very little in defense
Extra ra info has a bag holding its own pocket dimension