extrasensory perception
97 Votes in Poll
97 Votes in Poll
Yes, there are some largest stars, super strength is my favorite power.
A star with super strength and high-level of invulnerability
151 Votes in Poll
@Pete100 Energy manipulation, aura manipulation, and chi manipulation can simulate or mimic "Rasengan".
Aura manipulation, other terms for aura manipulation are:
Battle Aura
Chakra (Naruto)
Outward Energy
Nen(Hunter × Hunter)
Spirit Energy (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Your whole body and anatomy need to become "Anaerobic", there is a likely chance if you breathe oxygen you would feel a slight pain (aka slightly oxygen-intolerant), yes the oxygen would leave. you cant make oxygen into carbon dioxide anymore if you had oxygen independence i think.
Oh okay, thanks.
How can you be immune to radiation, radiation itself can cause changes to your DNA (a.k.a deoxyribonucleic acid)?, if you have nigh-invulnerability and it comes to your whole anatomy you would be immune to cancer and diseases but not radiation.
"radiation" itself doesn't give a shit about your atom's size, shape or form
I heard people that says that "Radiation immunity" is a science-based power?
@Bladerunner2099 So basically, with sub-atomic manipulation you would have control over all Matter/particles in the universe?
Really Control All Atoms and All Sub-atomic particles? since subatomic manipulation means you can control and manipulate all subatomic particles in the universe?
If yes can you also be able to control "Quarks", like those particles?
You can actually control all atoms and subatomic particles, thats very dangerous.
Can it destroy a black hole, by controlling the atoms and subatomic particles structure, like hawking radiation?