I hit the random power page and stumbled across a hidden “gem” of an ability I feel the need to share.
Astley’s boutta give something up.
I don’t need to fight ya, you’ve already made yourself look stupid.
Damn, it made me a fish and then made everyone else breathe better.
My power:
Students Power:
Huh. I can kinda just boop and he’s some kind of dead, or at least trapped in a place dead people go, seeing as world manipulations one of the applications and that sorta implies I can just bring Limbo to me. After that I guess I just… I dunno, erase him? OP powers aren’t the most fun thing in the world to describe the process of but they get the job done I suppose.
Had you asked me a month ago, my answer would’ve been Detail Detection or something like Inner World. Now, however, I’ve had my eyes opened as I’ve seen a character use Illusion Magic to create a living replica of dnd/their own fantasy world and system and now I can’t picture myself with anything but illusion based abilities.
WOAH, my first Omni-power during one of these.
Makoto’s already a relatively friendly person regardless, and being able to essentially compel him into a friendship only adds onto that. Plus, I’ve got access to things like Nature Companionship or Union Magic, and grow stronger based on the amount of bonds I have, which… well, considering I can bond with everything, even like, a pebble, means I’d have absurd levels of strength. I’m basically able to out-protagonist the protagonist with this one, using the power of friendship to BS my way through anything.
https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Independent_Shadow Based on the applications section, I could potentially pull a Shikamaru and Shadow Puppet this guy from a distance and make him choke himself to death or even make him decay himself, if he’s not immune to his own power. That said, this is one of the most open ended powers I’ve seen to date, with its uses being very vaguely worded, so I’m not even fully sure how else it could be used. I’d say it’s more of a coin toss if I win or not.
I’m… not even sure if I’d win? My brain can’t wrap itself around this power at all. https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Audience_Manipulation
I should theoretically be able to manipulate even audiences outside of the work, one of which would include the One Piece offer but like… in a 1v1 fight does having the author rewrite the characters abilities or something do anything?
Where’s my “yes, because unlimited power isn’t fun!” Option? Gotta have some form of limits to overcome with the ability that forces you to explore new uses or opportunities, otherwise it just kinda becomes a stagnant part of day to day life.
Oh damn, I actually got a pretty strong one for once,
Unless they’re suicidal, servants and masters alike won’t be able to lay a single finger on me. So I can sorta just chill til they mostly kill one another, then depending on who comes out on top, threaten them into ending their own life as well. If they’re a chivalrous servant such as Artoria, they’ll do it for the sake of humanity.
Just releasing a large enough blast to completely decimate the volcano should be enough.
Bro I can’t even use my own power 💀 There is no word for how screwed I am.
Edit: Wait, I’ll turn him into a crystal! Then I’ll die…
As there doesn’t appear to be a limit on bullet size, I generate a bullet the size of a new planet; If this one’s screwed might as well make Earth 2.0 for me to live on.
WHITE! Another of my all time favorite Isekai protagonist, she probably ranks second for me after Subaru from Re:Zero.
Defeating her is really hard, especially with the power I got:
Honestly, with her Evil Eyes, ability to come back from the dead if her Soul isn’t destroyed, and innumerable clones, I can’t see a way to win with this one. The closest I can think is to use Spatial Tuning to create a Paradox or trap her in the Astral Realm, but knowing her White would eventually develop an ability to break free and likely kill me. RIP.
AYYY! One of my favorite Isekai characters of all time. Her Lightnovel’s are great(anime, not so much).
Anyways, I’ve gotten Personal Gravity Manipulation.
Defeating her with this is actually pretty easy. While Mira’s certainly strong, using both Sage skills & Summons, combining the applications of Gravity Armor, Invisibility, and Gravitational Singularity Generation, I can block just about all her skills while dragging her into a black hole. This includes her Hidden Sage Art’s such as the Magic Eyes(invisibility are their hard counter), the Valkyrie Sisters who rely on physical attacks, and Aizenfald who primarily relies upon his massive size to crush foes or his humanoid foes to overwhelm them with speed(Gravity Armor + Black Hole). Anyways, with the right power Mira’s pretty easy to beat.
I thought this power would be completely useless, but looking more into it, “Codification,” one of the powers applications, allows you to seal the powers of others by making them encoded. Meanwhile Decodification allows you to decode genetic code and achieve “perfection.” Defeating Esdeath with these two is relatively easy.
@Rulefiji First Sight makes him able to perfectly defend against your first attack, Second Sight let’s him make a perfect counter-attack against any attack he’s seen before, Phoenix revives him from the dead once, Phoenix: Next revives him from the dead a second time, then he gets another Phoenix next and so on and so forth… Reinhardt is broken in terms of strength and survivability.
I got Vector creation. https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Vector_Creation
As a massive Re:Zero fan, I’m both confident I can beat Rein, and horrified at the fact I can’t actually kill him with something like this. Anyways, you said defeat, not kill, so I think the whole battle would, most likely, go something like this:
To start, I’d create a barrier of physical force. Rein’s physical strength is absurdly strong, but not infinite. Even he couldn’t break through infinitely stacking barriers of physical power. This would protect me from any of his attacks. Even the Astrea Family Arts.
Next, with my defenses sorted, I’d accelerate nearby stones in his direction. This will activate his Arrow Avoidance, making them miss, but it’ll also make First Sight, one of his most dangerous Divine Protections, be dealt with.
From here is where the real fight would start. Rein is not easy to land a hit on, and even if you do, it’ll just make him stronger. So, instead of trying to hurt Rein, I bind him.
Continuously, I’d generate gravity over the entire arena, forcing Rein to stay in place and even possibly be crushed into the ground.
Finally, Rein has shown that he could, potentially, be knocked out. I’m going to take advantage of that by forming a pulse of electromagnetic energy directly in his brain, disrupting his brainwaves and, hopefully, rendering him unconscious.
This would make me the “technical” victor of the fight. Maybe. Or maybe Rein would just get a new DP to deal with me, or even learn concept/reality cutting like Reid.
Ayyy, first time I’ve gotten an OP power for one of these .
I dunno what I’m going to do to this dude, I just know it’ll be something. (Use Omega Reality & Universal Power in the “applications” section to just gently blip him out of the universe.)
I think I almost certainly lose out with just this, as my body, even trained to the peak, would have an almost impossible time winning against Aang, especially when he can fly.
That said, it’s not like my chances are completely zero either. Within the “Associated Powers” area of a Martial Artis are Body Meridian Manipulation & Chakra Points Manipulation. If I’d just gained my power and had minimum understanding of it, this wouldn’t have done much, but with full understand I can open my own Meridians and Chakra Points.
Meridians specifically are stated to grant a person supernatural levels of physical ability. That alone would give me a leg up against Aang, who’s body is still within the limits of a mortal.
Next is Chakra Point Manipulation. With my own Chakra Points open, I’d get access to “internal wells of esoteric energy.” While I can’t say for sure what type of esoteric energy that’d give, as it’d involve delving further into Chakra Points Applications(which feels cheap to do here) each type of fairly esoteric energy is powerful on its own. That said, the real benefit of Chakra Points Manipulation here is my ability to use it on Aang; Aang himself is shown to rely on Chakra Points to access his Spirit, and by extension, Avatar State. By hitting him even once, I could seal off one of his most powerful abilities. Continuing with this, Chakra’s, even in the Avatar series, are deeply connected to a persons emotions and stability; by hitting them, you can freely trigger some or all emotions in a persons body. By hitting certain Chakra points in Aang, I could cause fear, guilt, grief and shame to all overwhelm him at once.
That said… that still doesn’t deal with Aang’s flying. Maybe there’s something in Absolute Unarmed Combat that would let me pull him from the air, but I didn’t see anything like that. Instead, I’d have to hope in Aang himself coming down from the sky, as he often did to fight against people in the show. Still though, if Aang was being completely smart, which I assume he is now that he’s older, he wouldn’t do that.