Semuanya bisakah kalian beri opini apakah Nephalonic Dragon (Angelic Dragon-Demonic Dragon Hybrid) bisa menyamai atau melampaui kekuatan dari ras Dragon dan ras Nephalem
90 Votes in Poll
90 Votes in Poll
102 Votes in Poll
Name: Azhuilar
Appearance: Rambut hitam, mata merah, tinggi 7 kaki, bentuk tubuh kekar
Dragon Form Appearance: bersisik campuran warna hitam dan putih dan memiliki garis emas disepanjang tubuhnya
Type of Dragon: Nephalonic Dragon (Angelic Dragon-Demonic Dragon Hybrid)
Additional Abilities:
• Semua kekuatan naga
• Semua kekuatan malaikat
• Semua kekuatan iblis
• Elemental Breath
• Manipulasi Senja
Super Moves/Techniques:
• ?
75 Votes in Poll
87 Votes in Poll
Semuanya bisakah kalian beri opini apakah Nephalonic Dragon (Angelic Dragon-Demonic Dragon Hybrid) bisa menyamai atau melampaui kekuatan dari ras Dragon dan ras Nephalem
Omni-Defianse & Cameron Washington
instead of arguing with each other it's better to just mate Dragon and Nephalem we can see how strong their offspring are
105 Votes in Poll
Can the Transcendent Nephalem win or be able to defend against the combination of 7 other Transcendent Beings.
Transcendent Nephalem vs Transcendent Dragon + Transcendent Angel + Transcendent Demon + Supreme Deity + Supreme Vampire + Transcendent Werebeast + Transcendent Superior Human
Can you give your opinion about the difference between Devil and Demon ?
What do you think about the proper call for "Dragon Physiology and Spirit Physiology Hybrid"
90 Votes in Poll
@Cameron Washington if you can make a blog about Nephalonic Dragon Physiology
Nephalonic Dragon:
Possesses the strength and physical properties of a Nephalonic Dragon. Gestalt Dragon Physiology Variation & Hybrid Physiology. Combination of Angelic Dragon Physiology and Demonic Dragon Physiology.
The user is or can transform into a Nephalonic Type Dragon which is a true hybrid of an Angelic Dragon & a Demonic Dragon. Dragons like this are more powerful and have the same abilities as their Nephalem kin such as Angel Abilities and Demon Abilities, besides that they also have Dragon abilities. Thanks to hybridization, they became rarer, more mystical, and supernaturally conditioned.
• Light Divinity/Dark Divinity/Angelic Divinity/Demonic Divinity/Dragon Divinity
• All/Various Divine Powers
• All/Various Dragon-based Powers
• All/Various Angelic Powers
• All/Various Demonic Powers
• All/Various Good Powers
• All/Various Evil Powers
• Celestial Manipulation/Infernal Manipulation
• Twilight Manipulation
• Eclipse Manipulation
• Hybrid Physiology/Transcendent Hybrid Physiology (Varies)
• Hybrid Vitality
• Hybrid Physiology
• Dragon Physiology
• Gestalt Dragon Physiology
• Nephalem Physiology
• Transcendent Nephalem Physiology
Nephalonic Dragon:
Possesses the strength and physical properties of a Nephalonic Dragon. Gestalt Dragon Physiology Variation & Hybrid Physiology. Combination of Angelic Dragon Physiology and Demonic Dragon Physiology.
The user is or can transform into a Nephalonic Type Dragon which is a true hybrid of an Angelic Dragon & a Demonic Dragon. Dragons like this are more powerful and have the same abilities as their Nephalem kin such as Angel Abilities and Demon Abilities, besides that they also have Dragon abilities. Thanks to hybridization, they became rarer, more mystical, and supernaturally conditioned.
• Light Divinity/Dark Divinity/Angelic Divinity/Demonic Divinity/Dragon Divinity
• All/Various Divine Powers
• All/Various Dragon-based Powers
• All/Various Angelic Powers
• All/Various Demonic Powers
• All/Various Good Powers
• All/Various Evil Powers
• Celestial Manipulation/Infernal Manipulation
• Twilight Manipulation
• Eclipse Manipulation
• Hybrid Physiology/Transcendent Hybrid Physiology (Varies)
• Hybrid Vitality
• Hybrid Physiology
• Dragon Physiology
• Gestalt Dragon Physiology
• Nephalem Physiology
• Transcendent Nephalem Physiology
74 Votes in Poll
66 Votes in Poll
39 Votes in Poll
62 Votes in Poll