Do you really need to draw a manga and have it published in Japan? Why not just call it a comic (literally the same thing as a manga, manhua, manwha, and whatever else) and publish it somewhere else?
@LardWad420 an instrument is something that you can use to make pleasing sounds. Thus mayonnaise is an instrument.
What is a pleasing sound? I dunno, but someone else can figure it out.
Why do I get dumb powers when I have to win, but this time i got Reality Warping?
True illusion is another fun one
Make a cult encompassing the whole world. Probably very easy considering that my favourite power is higher-dimensional abomination physiology (which I believe is now called something like beyond-dimensional physiology)
In writing, a main character that has agency in the story.
In reality, any person who does something that is viewed as morally good by society, but only if it is tough to do or of great importance at the moment of doing.
In ancient greek terms, any person capable of great deeds. Remeber, the most heroic act one can do is killing (or so it seems by ancient greek standards)
@Ghostboi8887 Wouldn't a very intelligent person understand that growing numb to feelings such as hunger would be extremely counterproductive? What one would need to worry about is figuring out if they wish to live, but that is something I expect a really smart person to figure out better than me (someone that cannot claim the enhanced intelligence power)
@Heartz13 First of all, there's no need to insinuate anything about my ability to understand. We can avoid such comments. I understand that my comment (now that I've read it after a while) may seem not too nice,.and I'm sorry for that, but I meant the best when writing.
Now, to consider your takes.
Let's start with the Butterfly Effect:
It is merely the idea that something as small as a butterfly can have significant effects over a long time, thus lacking information about chaotic (using the definition from physics, which never really applies in other contexts) systems makes any prediction of the future imprecise. The more time passes, the more likely such a prediction is to be imprecise.
Let us continue with Discord:
It is about an opposition between people/society. It isn't chaotic; it has its reasons to exist, and it can be very clear. Think about the Apple: it caused a fight between deities, not chaos. I do not think that chaos correlates with discord at all.
Then there's Weirdness:
It is but the divergence from the usual. Something different from normalcy is strange, not chaotic. If an alien came knocking at your door you'd find it weird, not chaotic.
And lastly we have Entropy:
Now this is hard. Entropy is a very strange measure for the stability (kind of) of an environment. It is possibly as far as you could get from chaos, something associated with disorder and unbalance. Unfortunately the term is very often thrown around to mean something it really doesn't, and at that point it becomes but a synonym for chaos, which is pointless when discussing aspects of it. Perhaps you have an idea of chaos that is very different to mine, so you consider this equilibrium to be chaotic, but then I worry about what kind of culture you may come from that influenced you in such a way, as, as far as I'm concerned, the English culture does not view chaos as an ordered equilibrium.
I can accept the Butterfly Effect as an aspect of chaos, although I disagree, but I, even while understanding your explanations, cannot accept reasonably (through my knowledge and experience) Entropy, Discord, and Weirdness.
@Duncril01 my good sir, if they're immune you do not need someone else to answer the question: no, they're immune, it wouldn't work.
I'd like to be very excessive
I'd like to point out that almighty magic and science are technically the same thing. In the end we call magic what we do not understand, but if we did we'd call it science .
This isn't due to some weird idea of Christianity, it's due to logic:
If there were 2 omnipotent beings they'd be able to interfere with one another, and thus they could stop eachother's actions, making them clearly not omnipotent.
This makes little sense if you remember that failing is something that can be done, and thus an omnipotent being inherently must be able to fail.
On the other hand omniscient means knowing everything, something that isn't influenced by how much someone else knows. How would it create a logical problem? It just can't.
Scientists using you as experiments isn't a con because scientists in the real world make reasonable ones, not like those of fictions that just want to torture for fun
@All powers question that is unfortunate
Why is it that more intelligence= more evilness?
I don't think that makes sense. You can see a trend with animals that the more intelligent they are the more brutal they are, but that isn't the only thing: they are also usually more caring for eachother (elephants are a good example).
Let's also talk about emotions: emotions are something generated by the body and they have nothing to do with intelligence (kind of). Even an omniscient being would be capable of emotions, as they do not come from stupidity (emotions are complex)
Again, you'd not become a sociopathic manipulator, as that requires you to already have such tendencies. Intelligence isn't a personality trait, it's just a measure of how "powerful" someone's mind is. With this, I've finished my argument.
You might find stupidity (relative to you) unpleasant
Might I ask you to use some punctuation in the future? It can be very helpful in parsing a text and may add extra depth to it
I find it useless
To be fair you could lump together any form of foreign powers with the Eldritch ones, as the entire point of something being Eldritch is being foreign
It's already a power and it's called Foreign Material Manipulation