Can you access the Subspace while falling? If on the ground and wanted to get a closer look of a plane, can you use subspace for that?
@AzQth it's FL and it's not even close.
I'm going to go with Fictional Lordship due to this: "For example, beyond just being able to make themselves totally immune to all powers in a given fictional verse, they are even capable of choosing to possess all of them - both in fiction and in reality." END/Thread
BIW offers omnipotents inside of the user, but in reality he's average Joe. I would want to create in the reality I'm in and shape it to my will, not shape an inner world.
On top of that Fictional Mimicry is extremely powerful ability.
First of all WOW... @AzQth you're soooo thorough!!!
I agree with @Abdalla1234 and @Carcassfrozenyogurt
The applications are way's definitely punching well above it's weight class. Many of those applications should be removed post haste.
Can you access the Subspace while falling? If on the ground and wanted to get a closer look of a plane, can you use subspace for that?
Powerlevel of someone with this ability?
The capabilities says "Even in their beginning, they are capable of achieving feats comparable to be under the league of gods"....who are they?
What character would exemplify this power in its infancy stage and how strong would they be?
It is tough, but I would probably go around to all the gang/cartel members and land a bunch of attacks on them before I even perform them🤯
As you slept and you had 24hours to prove you deserved it. You have to perform "feats".
What type of feats would you produce to keep the power forever?
To choose between these 2 powers....which one would you choose and why?
Those are some great responses!
This power above...what would you do?
Would you change/enhance your appearance(make yourself taller, more muscular, change eye color etc)?
How would you fight? Traditionally or do something illogical (like instead of knocking someone down, you knock them up)?
Potentiality Lordship of course..
It's good to see @AzQth having it on par with Freedom..makes my heart warm.
I remember when that page had barely anything on it
What feats could someone achieve with this fighting, movement, etc?
Inner God
Culinary intuition
@AzQth I didn't think you could learn absolute powers, fictional powers, or powers you can imagine instantly with Absolute Potential...underrated ability
@AzQth I'm definitely taking the stand that the user can't be bound by fate in any capacity in the first place.
"Since fate, by its nature, restricts the potential of everything bound by it to be within a predestined outcome, being beyond potentiality would mean being beyond fate."
@AzQth If this were a different ability besides Potentiality Lordship, then I would say that they could not escape fate except for a handful of powers.
But let's discuss what fate is.... fate is: the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.
You know I use Minus as my example of this power. There are NO events beyond her someone with this ability would kick fate in the ass and tell it to have a nice day.
Awoke with this power? What could you do to better your life?
Just came across this bute...seems like a extremely underwritten power. It seems anything you want/desire will manifest.
What are the limits of this ability?
Can you imagine billions of dollars and it's in your bank account?
Can you imagine sci-fi tech/your own tech company and it comes instantly?
Can you teleport?