I edited them from the last time I made a post like this:
1. Elemental:
Involves the manipulation and potential creation/atom rearrangement and state of matter shifting of any element such as fire, ice, water, steel, stone, diamond, etc. Exes: Fire isn't an element, it's a chemical reaction, yet can be induced or controlled by this power. Water and Ice can be controlled completely separately from one another, showing that control over an element can also be limited to it's states of matter as well. Someone could also take the oxygen or hydrogen out of water to remove control from another, so this one is mostly a matter of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" in terms of usage.
2. Physical:
Enhancement of your physical form in some way. Regeneration, superspeed/strength, flight, etc. Some types of physical enhancement allow for multiple abilities to be simulated, though they're all shown to be contained within the same powers. This is completely limited to affects performed upon you, or requiring parts of yourself to do, as you cannot manipulate a mind with this.
3. Enchantment:
Performing spells for various effects or behaviors. Potions, Enchanted clothing, Written Magic.
4: Perceptual
This arcanum is unique as it contains major similarities with all of the other types, and thus can be easily mistaken for any of them.
4A: Perceptual Control
This one is simply the ability to control a named item that is not naturally created, such as a gun, or other human creation, as it's not only one element. This also includes the ability to apply a new property or edit an old one, such as making them slippery, act like rubber and gum, etc..
4B: Affected Perception
This one is interesting, as it applies to other entities with senses. Exes: Making someone blind, inverting their perception of the world, inducing vertigo, forcing electroreceptional impulses (basically, forcing them to emit electricity), interfering with one's ability to tell where their body is in relation to another part, so on, so forth. This is completely limited to mind tricks.
5. Soul:
Any magic which is related to Souls in any way. Reanimation, animation, overwriting, etc. (UNDERTALE MAGIC DOES NOT COMPLETELY FALL UNDER THIS, ONLY STUFF LIKE SANS' BLUE MAGIC, MUFFET'S MAGENTA MAGIC, and METTATON'S YELLOW MAGIC APPLIES!!!)
6. Celestial
Essentially, the domain of gods. Time-Space, Creation-Destruction, cycles, Conceptual Manipulation etc.
Ability Relations:
Physical Components are often required for Potions (Enchantment).
Soul is SOUL magic, Physical is BODY magic, and Perceptual (Affected Perception) is MIND magic.
Celestial is the ability to affect basic laws of the universe and defy laws of physics, essentially godhood abilities.
Elemental is the most basic of abilities...