What do you think?
@235x0 I'm pretty sure metapotence has absolute transcendence as an application (and plus, this post is about the powers by themselves, not what other powers that include them)
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Domain Expansion: Permafrost Regalia
Metapotence (If that even counts lol)
So I was told that Absolute Wish is technically limited by the thoughts of the user (Which I assume it's smth like "other thoughts interfering while making the wish" or smth like that).
Would it be possible for an entity with absolute wish to remove such limitations?
So then that leads me to one more question. If an item or character from a fictional work is stated to grant any and all desires (even their own), would this constitute metapotence?
So we know that metapotence is the ability to do anything without justification and having power infinitely beyond logic itself.
So, would it be possible for a metapotent to create another without any form of justification since that metapotent has no limits?
And if so, could the created metapotent gain power equal to the creator metapotent without any form of justification since by definition, it is beyond logic, and any attempt to counter this would typically involve logical analysis?
@Necropolis00 That's where the page confuses me; it allows both omnipotence and nigh-omnipotence from what I remember. But nigh-omnipotence is a limitation, and as such, it can't be fully absolute. I don't get that. Because something nigh-omnipotent, by definition, has near limitless power, but has certain restrictions or limitations.
What's stopping someone with AW from wishing to be perfect and unchanging like Platonic Concepts, being the derivation of abstractions like meta-abstractions, or outright defying, changing, or transcending logical boundaries?
Maybe space-time manipulation, dimensional manipulation, luck, speed infinitum, casuality manipulation, logic manipulation, and possibly wish granting
But true omnipotence can't be granted though. I'm pretty sure the page itself says this. For an omnipotent being to grant another omnipotence would mean that the "omnipotence" granted has a beginning.
You'd be better off trying to argue metapotence being able to be granted, despite it not being a true power on the wiki (though there's no such thing as a "real" or "fake" power).
The example is the text below the title. What I mean is: "Would being able to grant literally all wishes be enough to prove a character or object having absolute wish?"
Okay, so lets say that in a fictional series, the protagonist finds an ancient artifact. A character who is knowledgeable on this artifact states that it is able to grant all wishes. Mind you, the word "all" pertains to the entire extent of a group or thing. Is that enough to qualify for absolute wish?
Okay, thank you 3, because people are saying that Movie Sonic has subjective reality because the Master Emerald is stated to turn thoughts into reality.
Some people on discord (including me) can't seem to fully grasp what does and doesn't qualify for this ability.
It's just something I've been thinking about.
I'm only making this post because idk if I have permission to add him there.
Culex has Eternal Existence. This is proven by how he says, "I am past, present, and future."
Eternal Existence, according to SPW, is the state of being always existent
Also according to SPW, which supports my Culex scan:
"Users of this power are eternal in two aspects: possessing no end as well as no beginning. They were never created by anything and will never be concluded, existing in all points of time. No matter how deep one goes into past or future, they will never find a point where the user starts or ends, as these beings are truly eternal"
Also stated by SPW: Being truly timeless, the user is immune to death, destruction and erasure, and time, ultimately being free from reality and conceptual.
Users of this ability are also hax the following hax applied to them:
• Absolute Immortality
• Absolute Invincibility
• Conceptual Transcendence
• Cycle Transcendence
• Duality Transcendence
• Embedded Existence
• Eternal Soul
• Freedom
• Infinite Experience
• Immutability
• Status Lock
• Impossible Physiology
• Paradox Existence
• Life and Death Transcendence
• Meta Erasure Immunity
• Non-Created Physiology
• Numerical Transcendence
• Spatial-Temporal Transcendence
• Science-Magic Transcendence