Imma disappear for a long time maybe until Monday cause valentines is really hard for me rn with whats going on in my life and mind. imma take breaks during school tho and try to keep my mind safe
Why so many images😭 that last one is relatable tho
Sukuna overrated tbh, he loves woman and children but acts so zesty.
I don't watch anime anymore cause Crunchyroll got so fucking expensive and I'm too broke
Like if you search his voice it makes it like, 10 times better ong
Guys hear me out...the doctor from poppy playtime... the only tv head ill simp for
Moving past politics
Anyone that likes any food thats ice cream like sea food, meat, vegetables, etc. may have some problems.
This fr is boutta turn into north Korea ong. my parents love trump so much they get mad when i dont wanna hear about him or talk about him. Hes a damn orange dude he aint that important.
It was his idea and hes also deporting Mexican immigrants even if they are american citizens. Many people are upset about it and i think he just hates Mexicans atp.
BACON!? dawg whos idea was that!? i swear it seems like an american idea. ALSO, i dont wanna start a politic talk thing but the gulf of mexico is now the gulf of america. Just wanna put that there cause i think its stupid.
What is the weirdest ice cream youve tried or heard of? mine is chocolate peanut butter
Have yall ever heard of pistachio ice cream? ive never tried it but my friend has and she likes it.
Personally this doesnt look that good
Cookie dough is the best, and now i want to go home and make some to just eat and get sick later.
For me it depends what type of chocolate, cause where i am there are different types and they all taste different but chocolate is definitely in my top 5.
This is the type of stuff i like (not this flavor i just picked a random image) but the blue fruit loops are the best
Fruit loops
Hey guys, im back im still kinda on the eh side so i wont be on too much but ill try to be on as much as i can. right now im just trying to make it past February 14 but im working past it. I might take more breaks because my bio sister came back, and she is already causing a lot of problems and my parents think it is a good idea to put a kid with bad mental health in the middle of it. Life is pretty shit but im gonna try my best to get past it.